so the story sttrat when husdon and kobe both mete. they are both in a dtaing anime uwu server and husdon is looking for a discord kiten. kobe is looking for a daddy to be the discord kiten off and he meet husdon in vc. husdon have 'big dadyd wolf alpha 😏😏' role so koeb say "u-u-u-uwu, konnicjiwa d-d-DADDY UWU BAKA SENPAI CHAN-! 🥺🥺🥺💕👉👈" and husdon think 'oemg he has uwu baka little ekitten weak sissy maid role. he is best discrod kitten.' and he say "hey little kitten 😏" and koeb blushed from bheind screen and said "ST-ST-S-S-STO-ST-STOP BEING SUCH A BAKAA!" and husdon is beatnig his maet and hes like "i have a question little waekw miaidbe my discord kitten right nwo." and kobe is like "b-but im only 11 dadyd🥺👉👈🥺✨💖" and husdon say "hhhahhahahahah such small guess what im 12 am big boy 😏😏💪💪💪😏😈‼️‼️" and koeb bslush agian and he thinking 'waoh he is such a cool senpaichan 😱😱🤯' and then something CRAZY HAPEN STAY TUNDE.