𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 12

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Next morning, Sunoo wakes up first, Riki is still sleeping beside him since he and Ta-ki talked for the whole night yesterday so he's super tired. Omgg why is Riki sooooo frikin' cutee even when he's sleeping!!! I can't take it anymore!!! Can't hold it back anymore, Sunoo bends down and gently kisses the younger's soft lips. Omgg his lips are sooo soft and sweet.

He stands up, walks into the bathroom and takes a bath. After that, he brushes his teeth, gets changed and walks downstairs. He's busy preparing a delicious bowl of soup for his father to brighten up his day first thing in the morning. "Here lemme help you son" "No it's ok. I can do it. If I do it all by myself, it's more meaningful for dad and he'll no longer be mad at me" "Ok. Remember to clean the kitchen after you're done."

"Arasseoyo~~" he chimes with a cute smile. His mother smiles too and walks into the living room. After he makes the soup, he brings it to the living room. If Y'all think that his father will be satisfied and no longer mad at him, then y'all wrong!!

"I've waited all my life for this frikin' soup or a frikin' meal from you!!!" Sunoo is not having any of it. "Dad, you see, I success in my career as a famous singer. I'm proving that my choice isn't wrong and will never be."

"Well, it's not wrong....BUT SUPER WRONG!!! Why do you always follow those bullshit things???!!! You're just like your mother!!! Are you two the same person???" "No, but you can't stop someone from following their dreams and be successful doing what they like." "Huh??!! You're too good. You have enough feather for your wings, you can fly away now!"

Riki wakes up due to shoutings in the kitchen. He quickly does his morning jobs, get changed then slowly walks downstairs.
Why is uncle always shout at Sunoo-hyung. He didn't do anything wrong, just because the job he takes not the job that uncle want him to do, doesn't mean that he has to be like this to him....

"But dad—" Not letting Sunoo explain, he slams the newspaper down onto the table and stomps out. Unfortunately, when he slams the newspaper down, it hits the spoon and flips it making the hot soup spills everywhere. Worse, onto Sunoo!!

"Ahhhhhh" Sunoo holds his hand, whining in pain while falling down on his knees. Riki quickly runs down and grabs Sunoo. "Oh my gosh hyung!!! Are you ok???" "Riki. Take Sunoo into the bedroom, there's a small green cream tube on the shelf in his room. It's used for healing burn scars on the skin. Please put some onto Sunoo's hand. I have to clean this"

"Okie aunty" he says, then helps Sunoo to get up on his feets. "Let's go hyung"
In Sunoo's room...
"Thanks" "Anytime hyung. And oh my god I don't expect this to happen. He went too far." "True. Anyways, let's pack up now we have to leave at 2" "Okiee." "Oh yeah, before going back to your cafe, do you wanna go somewhere first? Like shopping or something" "Sureee. You can choose" "Alrightie~"

That afternoon, 2:00, Sunoo and Riki finish packing up and go downstairs. They greet Sunoo's mother and receive many small cakes, biscuits and soft drinks as presents.
"Thanks mommy~"

"You're welcome. Come back anytime you two free ok? I hope everything will go well for you both" she says then winks making. Riki embarrass and shyly scratches his head. "Oh. Where's uncle?" Riki tries to change the topic.

"Oh, he's not well so he's resting. Better not disturb him. I'll say bye to him for you two ok?" "Okiee. Well, we have to go now. Bye aunty" "Byee mom. And yes, we'll come back to visit when we're free" "Byee kids. Hopefully when you two come back, you two will be...." She winks again. "Ahhhh Aunty. You're making me so shy." Sunoo is super confused at this point.

After they greet goodbye to Sunoo's mother, they walks to Sunoo's vehicle and go back to the city.

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