Burning wishes (part 3) •[Finale]•

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[The last official chapter of Springlocked. Congrats if you made it this far, and I hope you enjoy it, cuz I know I did.]

Drake's P.O.V

I let out a long sigh as Mike and I walk down the street to the orphanage. The thought of us coming back to our friends and Ms Lategan makes me nervous, but every now and again I'd imagine their faces when we walk through those doors and the anxiety would die down. Mike squeezes my hand.

"Something on your mind?" He asks.

"Not really, just thinking of how the others are gonna react when we go back in there." I say. He smiles.

"I know for a fact that they're gonna be over the moon to see us. I mean, it's been over two weeks, why wouldn't they be happy to see us?" Mike says. I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, you're right." I say.

We walk for another five minutes before the orphanage comes into view. The smile on my face widens. I let go of Mike's hand and find myself running towards there with Mike following close behind me. I stop a few feet away from the house to catch my breath before going up to the door. I hear Mike panting behind me.

"God Drake, warn me next time you decide to run off like that." He says.

"Not my fault you can't keep up." I say also panting.

"You're faster than I am, you know that." He says. After a minute or two, we stand in front of the door. I reach out to knock. Hesitantly, I knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear Keith say from the other side of the door.

"Let us in and you'll find out." I say casually. After a while the door opens, and standing there in the doorway is Keith. The moment he sees us, he stares for a minute before hugging both of us tightly. We hug him back.

"I missed you guys." He says.

"We missed you too Keith." I say warmly. We pull away and walk inside the house, where me and Mike get tackled and the rest of the boys who form a dog pile on top of us. I laugh.

"I see Keith isn't the only one who missed us." I joke. They get off and help us up.

"What happened to you two?" Keith asks. I stare at Mike before he shoots me a smile.

"Don't worry, I planned for this." He whispers.

"Damian invited us to his house for the weekend. He said he'd pick us up at ten. I told you guys, don't you guys remember?" Mike says innocently.

"Oh, right. Forgot about that." Devon says scratching his chin.

"When we got there we saw on the news that Freddy's was burning down." Mike says looking at me and motions towards me with his head. I get the message almost instantly.

"And, being the dumbass that I am, I wanted to go and see it in person."  I say scratching the back of my neck. The boys give me surprised but not surprised expressions.

"You what?" Keith asks.

"Yeah. I got a bit to close to the flames and got burnt in some places. Not only that but some idiot thought it would be funny to throw my plushy into the burning building." I explain more, trying to hide the chuckle.

"You're not serious." Miles says.

"No, he's serious. He was so mad that he hurled a bunch of bricks at the guy and went in to get the plushy. And of coarse, I had to go in after him." Mike adds. The rest of the boys look at us with expressions of absolute shock.

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