The Mission

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[Name] found herself running. This man...machine was rumored to have killed Padme Amidala, the former Naboo queen during the great Jedi Purge. A friend of her father's who also served on the Senate. Apparently two thousand senators, including her father, signed a petition to remove the chancellor from office. Forced confessions, jail time, torture and murder were their punishments. [Name] had even heard Vader was said to have executed the former queen with his own hands.

And yet... she pitied him. How could she? Her father survived, but how long did he live behind prison walls?

She had him... right there in her hands and let him go. She could have poisoned him the first night. But was she really a murderer? No. She needed him to poison himself, but Vader was too hard-headed to heed her advice! [Name] wondered if he knew about the toxic potion she slipped into the vial...

He couldn't know, or else he would have killed her already.

[Name] stood in a meadow, staring into the distance at the queen's palace. Tiny purple flowers stretched toward the clear blue sky around her. She would go to the palace and retrieve her clothing. Why did she feel so instantly drawn to Vader? Why was he so drawn to her?

It was enough to force [Name] to come to a decision. She must leave Naboo. She sensed the situation was to become worse... especially if he found the 'jedi' he was looking for.


[Name] walked through the halls with the queen, hands clasped around her suitcases as paused before a set of romanesque style columns.

"You can't leave. Darth Vader has summoned you back to the guest Villa," the queen said upon hearing [Name]'s request.

[Name] gasped. "Why?"

"He admitted to being a bit harsh with you. That he might have frightened you."

"Vader apologized?"

"I wouldn't say that," the queen admitted. "But it sounded like he wanted to."

"I was only trying to help," [Name] said.

"Of course... if you leave, he's promised to send a baron to Naboo."

[Name] knew it was just too good to be true. Vader? Apologizing?

"He'll send a baron if I leave? What does he want with me?"

"I don't know, but he seems to have taken a shine to you, young lady."

"Has he found the rebel? The Jedi he's looking for?"

"Not yet," the queen said, walking again. "He seems to like you though. Maybe being around you will soften his heart."

"What heart?" [Name] griped.

"You don't mean that..."

[Name] sighed. "I'll go back. But only for Naboo. Hopefully I'll convince him that he doesn't need me. That a servant will do much better with him than I will."

"You're a public servant . So I am," the queen corrected. "That means doing things you don't want for the good of the people...for the good of Naboo."

"I know..." [Name] admitted.

"I'll have your luggage sent to the villa."

"How long will Vader be on Naboo?"

"For as long as it takes him to find the Jedi."

[Name] sulked.

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