Chapter 3

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The next morning James woke up early and was ready to find his dream girl. He ate his breakfast and went through Twitter with Tristan but then he knew what had to be done. Opening the girls Facebook he sent a message to Ella. Ella was the one who had his heart. Ella was the one who was always on his mind and now he could finally meet her.
"Hello Ella, its James here from The Vamps. At the gig in London you caught my eye and I really want to get to know you. Maybe we could grab a coffee. Xx" two kisses, he wanted to send her more but Tristan reminded him to stay normal.
Hours past and still no reply. That was all the boys could think of. So Bradley told James to get ready and off they went shopping. Brad needed new clothes because they were touring in a hot country next but James just loved shopping for new clothes and shoes. At the shops Brad brought 3 pairs of shorts and 6 new tops and a new pair of Nike trainers. James however only brought 1pairs of shorts and 3 tops that he knew he might wear when he finally meets her.
Back at the your bus, Connor and Tristan were asleep. They could tell that Tristan had been making some music so they had a quick listen and they liked it a lot. Tristan woke up to the sound of the music and they had a jamming section for a while. This was the first time that James hadn't thought about Ella for a while and the rest of the boys were feeling better about him.

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