Silent Guy

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Silent guy,

he never cries

just sits in the back like hes not alive

hes gone all day hes there all night

no one would pick him for a fight

so beautiful he looks like any second he could take flight

making the girls go into overdrive

some people say 'he isn't right'

while other say 'what a sight'

in the presence of people he lurks in the dark

this silent guy with or without a heart

one day I was with him alone in the park

he just stood there and didn't move,

not one snide remark

his back was strait not bent in an ark

he always managed to keep himself apart,

from the rest of the worlds rapid sparks

why he was like this, nobody knows

but people talk about his every detail from his head to his toes

he just stands there without a care,

rain or snow

I walked up to him one day to say hi not from a distance this time

I tapped his shoulder waiting for a reply

and instead he just looked hurt inside

like he wanted to run and hide

away from the world not to hear its great lies

in a place of his own were no evil rides

I sat with him at lunch determined to learn

and he just rubbed sand on my burn

over and over I would arrive

and over and over he wouldn't confide

he sat in silence with hate in his eyes

while I simply looked down to escape there arise

I wanted to love him and he wanted to be blind

blind of anything he didn't want to find

I wished again and again that I could rewind

but there is no reverse in time

when all I wanted was to be kind

so there I was now silent girl

afraid to let the truth unfurl

truth of so much love I wanted to hurl

my love for him scared me as a silent girl

but I hoped to embrace it like I would my curls

another day is going on

another lunch has come and gone

he stops me in the hall and I feel it like a gong

we can almost touch and it can't seem wrong

he grabs my hand and we march on

we're in the darkness together now

he has chosen me somehow

there is no hate anymore when we chow

no one likes us though, noway nohow

him leaving is all I fear

I sometimes think he'll disappear

I always say 'come back to me you hear'

and he nods his head and leaves me in tears

he is me and I am him

alone everything seems dim

while together the light pours in

here we are together till the end

forever and ever unknown to any of them...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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