Chapter 1:

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TWs: Mentions of murder, attempted murder, mention of abuse, sexual implications, mentions of kidnapping.


Aria sighed, putting her phone down and gazing at the TV which played some random cartoon. She had just finished another Wattpad story and was bored.

Her parents were out, her friends were busy and the clock ticked its way to midnight.

She shuffled in her spot at the couch, finding solace in the darkness of the room, where the only light came from the bright colours on the TV. She really ought to switch it off, but she was too tired to grab the remote that lay across the coffee table, inches away from her seat.

She began to daydream about her own mafia romance- how cool it would be for a hot, rich killer to burst into her house and proclaim their love for-



The noise startled her out of her thoughts, as she faced the front door where it had originated. She pulled the blanket across herself. From the TV light, she could make out a silhouette. A figure carried a knife, stepping into the house. Closer and closer and closer. He stood a metre in front of her raising his knife and then...

"Wait!" Aria screamed, halting the figure. Under their hood, she could see it was a boy.

The boy looked confused for a second and she elaborated, "Uhm, are you trying to kill me?"

The boy now looked mad, "Well, yes. Now if you could just shut up-"

"No! Wait!" Aria interrupted him again, much to the chagrin of the boy.

"Why choose me as your victim. Surely Mrs Flannigan next door would make for a better kill?" Aria asked, a mischievous grin forming on her face, "Or am I, I don't know, special?"

The boy looked confused again, "Well, you're not special. I suppose I could go kill her instead and hey! Stop distracting me."

He raised his knife once again until she stopped him, moving the knife out of the way, "Listen bud, I'm bored and I have nothing to do. I'm also kinda not ready to die yet so how about we tag team on Mrs Finnegan, kill her, and if you think I'm an ok murder partner, we form a team. The Murder Mates! Oh, I can see it just now. You, my friend, are in for a treat. If you allow me that is?"

The boy just looked straight up done, "Ok? What's your name?"

Aria gasped, "Right. I suppose if we're going to be Murder Mates we might as well get to know each other. I'm Aria. Aria Driscoll. And you are?"

The boy sighed, "Michael Banks. Common name, probably won't make a difference. Now, you were saying something about being 'Mate Murders' or whatever?"

"It's Murder Mates," Aria huffed, "And I'll have you know that makes all the difference. Ooh! Question, question!"

Michael sighed, watching her wave her hand around crazy, "Yes?"

"Why do you kill people?" She asked, leaning close.

Michael took a step back, "Personal space, woman. Anyway, I kill because when I was a kid, my mother used to be in an abusive relationship with my father. One day, I had enough and just slit his throat with my knife. Since then, I've grown addicted to the flow of blood from someone's skin, painting their body in red- why am I even telling you this?!"

"Someone's got a blood kink," Aria taunted, "Anyway, cool reason. You totally remind me of one of them serial killers I've read about in books."

"You read true crime?" Asked Michael, tilting his head.

"Sometimes, but it's mostly fiction crime done by hot, teenage, traumatised kids who kidnap the female protagonist... like you?"

"But I haven't kidnapped you?" Michael asked, scrunching up his nose.

"No, but you're hot, teenage and traumatised," Aria shrugged.

"Uh, thanks for the compliment and goddammit. I'm supposed to be on a murder spree here. So if I can just be on my merry way and... wait. Where are your parents?"

"Out," She gestured to the door, "Won't be back for another hour if you know what I mean."

Michael frowned, "I don't?"

Aria laughed, "Oh bless your innocent soul. You're a virgin?"

"What? No!" Michael shook his head, crossing his arms for good measure. The action caused a slit to form across his hoodie sleeve, blood staining it as the forgotten knife cut through.

"You know what," Aria commented, looking at the sleeve, "I totally get why you have a blood kink."

"I don't have a blood kink!"


A/N: Soooo that's it for the first chapter. Comment if you want to see more of Aria and Michael's adventures!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2022 ⏰

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