First day

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Today was you and your sister's first day at the trainees corps. you were standing next to your sister Annie (did anyone see that coming if you did you're awesome and if you didn't you're still awesome) as instructer shadis was walking around asking people for their name, why are they here blah blah blah.

You got bored so you started looking around to see what kind of idiots came here.

you saw a boy that shadis was yelling at, he had blonde hair and blue eyes he was kinda cute so you listened in "WHAT DO THEY CALL YOU" shadis yelled at him "Armin Arlert, from shiganshina sir!" he yelled as loud as he could. Hmm armin arlert he's kinda cute I'll remember that name for a while "WHY WOULD YOUR PARENTS CURSE YOU WITH SUCH A STUPID NAME" shadis yelled at him "it was my grandfather sir!" "OK ARLERT WHY ARE YOU HERE" "to help humanity overcome the Titans!" he yelled huh he really thinks that humanity can win doesn't he? Well me and Annie will have to change that you thought. "THAT IS DELIGHTFUL TO HEAR YOU WILL MAKE GREAT TITAN FOUDER!" then shadis made that row turn and started walking around to find his next victim.

He saw you and Annie and it looked like he was about to yell at Annie but instead he yelled at you "AND WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" shadis yelled in your face so you thought why not yell back don't forget to say exactly what we rehearsed you heard Annie tell you in your head. Yeah you can communicate through telepathy.

you looked at her and nod "(name) leonhardt sir!!!" you yell as loud as possible "WHERE ARE YOU FROM SHITHEAD" he yelled "From (hometown) village, sir!!!" you yelled back "AND WHY ARE YOU HERE?!!" shadis yelled, at this part you went even louder "TO COMPLETE MY MISSION, BECOME STRONGER, AND FINALLY GO HOME SIR, AND I PROMISE YOU I WILL NOT FAIL THIS!!!" you yelled at the top of your lungs.

At this point everyone was looking at you with respect, admiration, and just plain interest in who you are, even shadis looked at you with respect "THAT IS DELIGHTFUL TO HEAR DON'T BLOW IT CADET" he yelled and started walking around again. Good job sis Annie said in your head thanks I think that was convincing enough you replied ya think Annie said back then you started looking around again.

You spotted a guy with brown shaggy hair, kinda tall, and turquoise eyes staring at you the same way everyone else was but there was something else there hmm what is it...does..does he like me? i mean that emotion in his eyes almost looks like... No I'm over thinking this. You thought and looked away from the guy and started looking around again, when you did you saw a guy that got yelled at recently I think his name was jean you thought he's kinda cute too you thought as you looked at Jean he looked back at you and smiled then he winked you made a small smile at him then looked back to see the brown shaggy haired boy giving Jean a glare this is weird you thought.

********time skip to dinner********

You and Annie were sitting as far away as possible from everyone with reiner and bertoldt. "so are you guys ready to become the greatest actors in history?" reiner asked "you know it" you and bertoldt said as Annie just nods "hey, (name) I've been noticing this guy named Eren Jaeger staring at you lately, what's up with that?" "does he have shaggy Brown hair, turquoise eyes, stares way to much?" you said to reiner while holding your eyes open wider with your forefingers and thumbs, giving yourself more of a bug eyed look "haha, yeah that's him" reiner laughed at your actions "um guys.. he's staring right now" bertoldt said.

you looked over to Eren's table that was two tables away from yours to catch him and his friends staring at you. You hated when people stare at you so this made you kinda mad so you stood up, banged your hands on the table and yelled at them "stare much!!!" which got everyone's attention and they all stared at you, which you hated more so you just started walking towards the door until reiner called out to you "hey, (name)! where are you going?" it was still silent as reiner said this "hmm I don't know reiner, maybe some place where I don't have to deal with dumbasses that stare way to much" you said then walked out the door. Successfully slamming it closed.

Erens POV

"Eren you should go talk to her" mikasa said to me while placing a piece of stale bread in her mouth "wha-what why?" I asked with a blush on my cheeks. She swallowed the piece before speaking up again "'re the reason why she embarrassed herself you can get to know her and 3. Because you like her" my adopted sister said to me, not making eye contact

"Eren it's not that big of a deal just at least go make her feel better" armin said to me "ugh, fine but if I get completely shut out and she doesn't talk to me at all, I'm out" I said and just as I was about to leave mikasa spoke up "come back without her feeling better, I guarantee you won't graduate and not because of an accident eren" she said in an icy tone as I sweatdropped "okay...I should go now" I said and ran out the door.

Your POV

I was sitting under a tree, looking up at the stars trying to calm myself down after that scene I made in the mess hall, when I heard footsteps. I stood up and put my guard up ready for anything, then I heard a voice "h-hey..." it said, I turned around to see the turquoise eyes of Eren Jaeger, standing in front of me "what do you want Jaeger" I said letting my guard down a little "I wanted to apologize for ya know making you embarrass yourself" he said embarrass myself what...oh he thinks I actually care about what people think of me oh wow "I wasn't embarrassed, I was just mad" I explained to him "oh... wait what?" he said "I'm not one of those people who care about what people think of me" I said "oh, well I'm still sorry" he said "it's fine I just need to work on controlling my anger" I said to him as I sat down under the tree again. "I know how you feel, I'm hotheaded at times too" he said then came and sat by me.

There was a long silence until eren spoke up "so... I would really like to start over with you, ya know like be friends and not mess up each others lives like I did" eren said to me but as he said the word friend all I could think of is what Annie, reiner, bertoldt and I said before coming here "we can't get close to anyone because they might die in the future because of us agreed?" Annie asked "agreed" we all said together  "um, I don't think that-" I got cut off by my sister "(name) there you are come on its time to head to the barracks and sleep, but if we want to shower we have to go now so come on" Annie said while giving Eren a death glare. You got up and you and Annie started walking away leaving eren wondering what you were going to say

Hey guys writer-chan here again I'm so sorry my other story got deleted but this story is going to make up for it OK and I wrote this one extra long so I can show how sorry I am I will try to make all of the parts this long just for those of you who were reading the other one I wrote but sadly got deleted. Anyways on to the next part bye loves you all *hugs all of you readers* have a good day my people's

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