▪︎■ 13 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

Immediately, I searched for my gun in the bag.

"Right! Must be awful for you to know... Philipe... is dead!"

"What?" he screamed over the wind.

"It's Philipe, not Philipp!"

Obviously he didn't hear me and I was too buisy loading the gun to care.

"Drive faster!" I ordered determined.

My hand found the belt and I unbuckled myself in the next second. The wind was violent, almost banging against my ears when I leaned outside the window to aim at the other car.

"What the fuck are you doing?!"

I shot at them a few times until the gun was empty. I went back into the passenger seat.

"Saving our asses." I looked for guns, or any weapons, for that matter.

"God, woman, we're definitely going to die if you continue to be that slow. Grab the wheel for a minute..."

I cocked an eyebrow. "You mean 'drive'?"

"No, just hold onto the wheel and try not to mess up!"

I stared at his head, imagining a super laser that could slice it into thin little slices.

They shot at us from the side so the bullets were hitting the car everywhere. I ducked while grabbing the wheel to drive. He leaned to the seats at the back and opened a hidden, flat briefcase. In there were some weapons- mostly guns. The man gave me two and kept two for himself when he came back to the front and took the steering wheel into his tattoed hands.

I leaned outside the window for the second time and shot at the men with one of the guns. Counting two shooters and one driver, I decided to take out the shooters first. The car was fast. Really fast. So I remembered my training.

I relaxed with an exhale, tightened my body with an inhale and shot at the first man. After a few seconds I got him. Headshot. One more left...

I shot until the gun was empty and took the second weapon to aim at the tires. When the car began to swerve aimlessly, I shot the driver in the chest.

"And you were saying...?" I enjoyed my victory until I saw three more cars behind us, driving in a V-shape.

"We've got company," he dryly commented.

"Yeah, I can see that too."

The wind became louder and louder with every window that shattered and by now, the outside of the car was already riddled with bullets.

One of the cars slammed into our side and our car shook and took a turn. We drove backwards now, directly looking into the eyes of the driver in the enemies car.

"You know what, you're really driving now! I will take the gun before we die because of you! Don't drive into a tree though! Can you do that?"

I held up my middle finger. He pulled the drivers seat backwards so that there was enough space for me. I looked at him and realised he wanted me to sit on his lap. Sure, it was the only way- we couldn't stop to change seats after all.

I ducked and wasted no more time. I sat down on his lap, legs seperated sitting on each side of his own, not caring anymore. I felt his legs, his torso, his muscles and his dick. Luckily I was in no state of mind to think about anything other than to save our lifes.

He took the gun and I felt his hand firmly pressing my back forward, for him to move better. That only ended with my ass pressing down on his crotch. I felt him. I gasped slightly by the sudden force of his body pressing me down. He shot through the window on his side. I only heard the loud shooting and concentrated on driving. My foot pressed down on the pedal and the car got faster and faster.

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