Chapter one- awful incarnate (1-15)

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I walk through the halls. I feel a bit lonely. I mean everyone has expected me although Yukio has been ignoring me. I meet up with Bon. Bon. Bon is my secret crush. he is everything I'm not. Handsome tall smart strong. Perfect. and not gay. Not a demon. Not a monster. Not a disgrace to the family. Bon is perfect and loved by everyone. It's hard to contain my crush. Bon is just so perfect.

I sometimes feel cursed. Bon will never see me as anything other than a friend. Although my life is still good. My friends have accepted me. I knew they would come around. I don't know what I would have done without them. During the time when they weren't my friends, I talked with Mephisto. He's my guardian and older brother after all. I got closer to him.

Mephisto really does care and he is a good older brother. I haven't really seen or talked with Amaimon. I think he went back to Gehenna. Speaking of which I don't hate demons or Satan. It would be nice to be apart of that family but I would feel too ashamed. The number of demons I exorcised. The number of times I cursed Satan. All Satan wanted was me home.

He just wanted me to be safe. Not here with the humans who persecuted me. Some humans still do hate me. But most have accepted me. It took saving them and apologizing but most of them have come around.

Shima and I talk with Bon all the way to the class. Miwa is out on a mission. Bon and Shima have easily accepted me again. Although Miwa is still hesitant. It took a while for Bon and Shima to come around though.

It's been around two years since my powers were revealed. I still have Bon's pin. I always keep it with me. It helps me feel better. It reminds me that I have someone. Even though he will only see me as a friend.

There are a few times where I think Bon is still scared of me. There are few times when Bon is hesitant around me. I don't think he trusts me fully. But to be fair. I wouldn't trust me. I am just glad Bon doesn't know how I really feel about him. He would be disgusted. I have also learned how to control my powers. It has been over a year and practicing with Shura has helped a lot.

Kuro has also helped me. he has been a good friend. We arrive in class. I sit next to Sheimi and she looks dreamily over at Yukio. I know she likes him and he likes her. It's ok though. I liked her because she was nice and that was before I realized I was gay.

She snaps back into reality once I get my extra paper out to take notes. "Hi Rin," Shiemi says with a smile. "Hi," I reply. Shiemi blushes even more. She probably thinks I know about her crush. It's pretty obvious. "So are you excited about our next mission?" Shiemi asks. Instead of exorcising I make a deal with the demons and I help them relocate to a less populated area. I have been able to save many demons that way.

I love helping demons. They are always so grateful and kind. I never have to apologize. To me, it makes up for the demons I have exorcised. I feel like I am giving back for all I have taken. According to Mephisto, I have saved almost three times as many demons than I have ever exorcized. But that's not enough.

It won't be enough. Mephisto was wrong about me. I will not kill my kind. I will help us live peacefully. I am the key to uniting the two worlds peacefully. Mephisto also told me that exorcising demons didn't kill them. I still felt bad though.

I think I decided to start helping demons around a year ago. I have saved a lot yes. But I need to triple the amount saved for every exorcist. I will make up for everyone. I have been taking on more missions and working harder in school.

Mephisto feared I wouldn't be getting enough sleep but I really just spent my time better. And my hard work is paying off. Yukio starts his lesson and I take notes. I have high A's in all my classes but taking notes just helps me remember. I don't need to take notes thought.

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