"One day I hope to see you outside"
Zemetric floated down the small path leading away from Kerdicts house. He was fully refreshed and humming quietly, his feet inches off the ground. He could walk, but he was lazy and this wouldn't burn much energy.
Kerdict had ordered him to go search that royal house, the bunker specifically. He hated being ordered around, but he guessed whatever it took to get what he needed. It wasn't too big an order, so he couldn't complain much either, swinging an arm up.
He brought his hand back down as the line of smoke followed, the rift opening further as he stepped inside. He decided against rifting directly into the castle, instead now looking up at the large doors. They were as tacky as he recalled, an off gold color.
'You're a bitch for making me do this," Zemetric thought, rolling his eyes. 'making me go into such an ugly place,'
He pushed open the doors, instead of the main doors opening, a strange shadow mirroring what the door would. Zemetric fazed through the gold door, using his own shadow version of the door as he looked around. The main hall was ugly as well, or maybe he just had funny opinions in design.
Smiling a bit, he stepped down from floating, the guard nearby turning their head toward him at the sound of the small thud. They furrowed their eyebrows, Zemetric laughed quietly. Shadows and his figure skimmed around, humming with a grin as he danced to his own beat. He looked around the different corridors, looking for a familiar painting.
In the fun of the moment he moved to kick a planter down, the dirt and roots falling everywhere as the nearby guard jumped, gasping. It was hilarious the way they ran over, confused as ever, Zemetric jumping into a floating positions as he laughed.
He turned back to the task at hand, hearing the guard call others as he continued skimming paintings along the walls. They were all similar, portraits of the royal family, pets.
It got cold, he froze when he felt a presence, immediately floating up towards the ceiling, hiding his magical presence with shadows. He glanced down at the figures approaching, a familiar brother and sister walking down the corridor bickering quietly. The prince up for the throne, the youngest though of the brothers, and the princess.
He sighed annoyedly as he looked forward again, spotting the stairway he needed to follow at the end of this hallway. He allowed himself to float above them and past, clenching his jaw. They didn't move or anything, so he assumed they hadn't sensed him.
Once he got to their stairway he opened a palm, blowing a dust like material of his shadows into the stairway to be fore of any traps. He was smart to, trip wires and invisible ringers floating in the stairwell. Humming once again, he skimmed between them as he tapped his feet to the beat of the song he hummed, a familiar tune, the only one he could recall.
Landing down with a quiet laugh, he stopped in front of the large door. The lining a light silver, handles a dark gold color.
He remembered, using his shadows once again. He moved forward, a yelp escaping as he hit the doorway. Rubbing his nose he glared, waving a hand once again, his shadows not appearing for some odd reason.
He spun around when he heard someone enter, unable to mask his presence. Luckily, his visible form wasn't possibly seen.
"Who's here, you wanna come read?" The person hummed, glancing around the room. Zemetric paused when he felt them glance at him, sighing when they continued skimming the room.