
236 3 0

Location: [REDACTED]


Log: 15

Time: 2:45 pm


This log is being recorded to show experiment #[REDACTED] to see if element [REDACTED] will work on soldiers to increase their senses. We are preparing the shot. The specimen will be injected with element [REDACTED] to improve its mental capacity and the specimen should be smarter than an average human being. This test shows the signs that we wanted... Wait! Nien that is bad Nien!! Nien!!! Nien!!!! I did not want this! The specimen was just human, but I tested mixing Doberman DNA with 12 ounces of element [REDACTED]. This is very strange...

DR. [REDACTED], we must leave now! The Communist sons of [REDACTED] are here!   

Ending log. Heil Hitler!


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