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They had choked the last fight. Truthfully, it was Natalie's fault. Her head had been foggy and she hadn't heard Tae Joon say he was using Hack. So, she carelessly stepped out of their safe space of blue fences and got instantly downed. Well, from there...

"I'm not mad Natalie, honest"

Hot tears brimmed her eyes. They threatened to pour out at any second. When she tried to speak, a hard lump got caught in her throat. Nothing came out. A single tear ran down her cheek but she quickly wiped it away. Then her nose started to run. She couldn't hide it now.


They both stopped in front of her bedroom door on the drop ship.

Why did he talk like that? In quick, hushed tones. He cut off every sentence as if he had something extremely important to say next, but the next thing sounded the same, in the same tone.

"I— I'm just tired... Excuse moi"

She felt a firm hand take hold of her wrist. It wasn't forced or malicious. The opposite, actually. She turned her face slightly over her left shoulder to look at his face.

"You never do that— What happened? Are you okay? Talk to me."

Natalie turned back forward as a smile tugged at her lips. It was so... like him to be so worried. But she couldn't keep him in suspense like that. He did seem genuinely worried.

Truthfully, her cycle was approaching. While some women got irritable or angry, Wattson got foggy-headed (and a little emotional). It made being a scientist quite hard, since she relied on having a clear and straight head to do research and run tests. It did other things too, but that was normal.

The pylon on her back was starting to become heavy. She reached out a hand to press the button beside the door, which opened it up to her bedroom-slash-mini lab. One side was littered with papers, books, and diagrams. The other side: a twin size bed, Nessie plushies and posters, a futon couch, and a pink fuzzy rug.

She walked in and took the pylon off, setting it on some papers that scattered across her desk. Tae Joon said nothing but entered, staying only a foot or so in front of the door as to not invade her space. He was much too courteous. She hid a smile as she peeled off her long gloves and kicked off her shoes.

This was hard for her too. She had never had a romantic relationship. She wasn't good at initiating things or speaking her mind on romance topics. This was completely out of her— well, expertise.

Natalie sat down on the futon with a thud as she pulled down her hood, a mop of golden hair flowing out before she buried her face in her hands. Her guest said nothing, but she felt a dent appear beside her, then an arm snake around her shoulders and pull her in.

He smelled of... outside, fresh air, and... some type of masculine body spray. Natalie felt her face get hot. Her cheeks burned.

"Natalie, if this is what you needed you should have just asked."

His voice broke the silence. She moved her fingers apart to look up at him, his almond eyes were already looking down at her, narrowed, fierce. Unmoving. Her cheeks burned hotter.

With one arm still around her shoulders, his free hand gently came to her chin. He guided her to look up so their eyes met. Their faces were so close. She couldn't possibly get any redder than she already was...

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