▪︎■ 15 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

I let my hands explore the area. My eyes scanned the bloody skin to check if the glass injured a vein. While my hands felt the warmth of his skin and the hardness of his abs, I tried to push the warm tingle and the hot feeling to the side. I really tried to ignore my body's reaction but it was hard.

"You're lucky," I gulped, "I can remove the glass but I have to stitch you up."

I got up and walked to the mini bar, grabbing a bottle of alcohol I returned and handed it over. "You will need it," I explained before he took a few big gulps.

"Do it, I trust you," he hoarsely said, audibly in pain. My head snapped up to meet his gaze. My heart fluttered lightly. I did not expect him to let me do it. Why did this feel so... important?

Desinfecting and cleaning the area, I thought about the next steps, to distract myself. I exhaled quietly and wrapped a cloth around the shard of glass.

"This will hurt..." I pulled. Slow and careful, I stopped when he flinched and went on after he stilled. The man groaned and closed his eyes in pain.

"I know, I'm sorry. A few seconds and you're done... almost done." I pushed the cloth on the wound to soak up all the running blood, then prepared a needle. Another round of desinfecting the wound, he was quieter now.

"I recommend to grab something, this will hurt like a bitch. You have to stay still or I'll do more harm than good." The man hummed in response but did not grab anything. At least he couldn't say something cocky or arrogant right now.

I really tried to make it as quick as possible without fucking up my work. His jaw clenched before his hand grabbed my waist. I did not stop right then, even when my breathing hitched I simply let him squeeze my skin with each stitch. It stung but I knew he probably hadn't even thought about his action. By the way his forehead was covered in a slight shimmer of sweat, I knew he was in a lot more pain, so I just ignored it.

The needle went deep into his skin and this stitch must have hurt the most, because the grip on my waist went vice like followed by a groan.

"Shhh, I know, It's okay..."

My finger caught a good amount of antiseptic creme and I breathed in and out before lightly applying it on the irritated skin. His muscles flexed under my touch. My biggest mistake right there and then was that I risked a gaze up to him and was met by his brown eyes. It surprised me that he was just... looking at me. No amusement, no sarcasm, no mask. Just him seeking my eyes. Somehow it was much worse to handle and soon I couldn't bear it.

Quickly I turned my gaze away and finished the work with a bandage. My brain was cloudy, dizzy to say the least. All my senses were full of him.

Getting closer to him, our bodies were almost touching and I leaned forward to wrap the bandage around. My arms went around his torso, here and there stroking his warm bare skin with mine. Our faces where inches apart because I practically hugged him, but I strictly stared at his chest. This only made it worse to be honest. I mean I was already hyper aware of his body but now...?

"I'm done," I announced. His hands hadn't left my waist and our bodies, likewise, were in the same position we were in the whole time.

"Give me the alcohol and another cotton ball. Please."
With my free hand, I gave him what he asked for. I felt his hand near my face but just looked at him, questioning. A slight burning on my forehead aswered my questions.

He takes care of my cut... His other hand carefully held my face in place, his thumb dangerously close to my lips. I got goosebumps when he tilted my chin. I took the opportunity to study his features. The man's expression was furrowed, completely concentrated on his work. A warm feeling spread through my body and this was the first moment I didn't think of him as the heartless man that treats women like shit as I made him out to be in my head. His lips parted just a tiny bit and I smelled a mix of peppermint and the alcohol I gave him.

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