c h a p t e r 13

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The next day, Y/n sat at the table and picked at her food, while the others looked at the new kid with curiosity as he tapped his fingers on the table.

"So what you in here for Twitch?" X asked. The new kid already gained his nickname.

"Oh, ha, joyriding. I guess you never really plan to steal one or nothing, but when I walk past a really nice car..." Twitch explained as he started twitching. "Who! Oh...I just start twitching, you know? Really kind of...well, you think I'm jumpy now? You should have seen me behind the wheel of that mustang convertible. Who! Vroom!"

Y/n looked up and watched as the small boy's fingers drummed on the table at a fast speed. She felt a slight annoyance towards him. Not because of the way he talked, or how he twitched, but because he was Zero's replacement. She knew it wasn't his fault, he didn't know after all. So she calmed her annoyance and looked down to pick at her food again.


The following day, Mr. Sir drove up to the holes.

Y/n crawled out of her hole and she watched with empathy as Twitch sunk into the side of his hole.

She sighed before walking over to his hole and held her hand out towards him.

"First holes are always the hardest." She mumbles to him with a tiny smile. He smiled up at her and grabbed her hand.

"Thanks." He said as he pulled him out of the hole. She could feel his blisters against her hand. When they let go and Twitch looked at his hand with a wince, she took out her pieces of t-shirt clothes and poured the rest of her water onto them since she was about to get her water refilled anyway.

"Here." Y/n mumbled as she grabbed his hands and wrapped the clothes around them. She remembered doing this same with Zero when he first arrived and she felt her heart churn.

"Hey, thanks!" Twitch said with a huge toothy smile before walking over to Stanley.

Y/n crossed her arms as she walked over to the line and stood behind Zig. Zig turned to her as they waited to get their water.

"You okay?" He asked with a soft gentle tone that made Y/n's heart leap in her chest. Y/n replied with a small smile and a nod.


Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n saw Stanley and Twitch making their way up to Mr. Sir's truck.

"Hey, man, I'm sick and tired of you cutting in line." Squid grumbled as he pushed Magnet out of the line. Magnet pushed back.

"Calm down, man."

Y/n rolled her eyes as the boys grumbled at each other.

"What's wrong with you?"

"We all getting water."

Mr. Sir came up to the two and they huddled together to keep Magnet and Squid from fighting.

"Don't be squabbling up in here. Both of us gettting it."

"Gentleman, there's only one law around here and that's me. You guys want to learn the tough lesson? Here. I'll give you a tough-guy..." Mr. Sir explained before he was interrupted by the sound of the engine of his truck starting. Mr. Sir whipped his head around and ran after the truck.

Everyone cheered as Mr. Sir grabbed onto the driver's side window and was dragged.

Y/n smiled and laughed as Mr. Sir fell into a hole.

"Go Caveman!" Y/n cheered.

Everyone groaned as the truck dropped into a hole. Y/n was the first to run to check if Stanley was okay, the rest of the group following her.

"Caveman, you okay?" Y/n called as she came up to the hole.

Stanley frantically opened the truck door and trampled out of the door and climbed out of the hole and ran away. All the boys cheered while Y/n bit the inside of her lip nervously, hoping that Stanley would find Zero and they would both be okay.

"Get away from that truck!" Mr. Sir ordered as he pushed Y/n away from the hole.


The next day the group walked tiredly in the hot weather.

"Maybe he found Zero." Said Magnet. "Maybe they're both still alive."

"Maybe the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy are still alive too." X added.

"Yeah. Maybe my Mom will stop drinking and my dad will come home." Said Squid.

"Man, when Caveman stole that truck..." Twitch said with a smile. Zig smiled at him and nudged Twitch's shoulder lightly.

"That was awesome."

"Yeah, man. Caveman did have style." Said Armpit.

"He's not dead Pit. Stop talking like it." Y/n grumbled as she passed him. Everyone turned silent and looked at the ground. Y/n looked to her side at the mountains in the distance.

Please be okay. She thought to herself.


That night Y/n sat on the steps watching the stars like every night. And like every night Zig sat next to her, watching the stars glisten in her eyes.

Y/n turned to Zig and he quickly looked up at the sky.

"Do you think they're okay?" She asked with a sigh.

"Of course." He reassured, though he didn't fully believe it himself.

"He ain't stupid, you know? Zero, I mean. Y'all make jokes about him being stupid all the time, but he isn't. He just...didn't have the same chances we did." Y/n said, her voice just over a whisper. She looked back at the stars and balanced her elbow on her knee, placing her head on her hand.

Zig looked over at her. His eyes glanced from her face to her hand resting on her other knee. He hesitated as he lifted his hand and gently placed his hand on hers.

Y/n glanced down at their hands and slowly intertwined their fingers, a light blush dusting her cheeks as the corner of her mouth curled up. What she didn't know was Zigzag had a deeper red on his cheeks than she did.

Zigzag looked at Y/n as she looked at the stars. He never thought that he could care for someone so much....To love someone so much.

He knew that he loved Y/n. It hit him the first time he saw her in the tent on her first day. He remembered it like it was just yesterday.

He was so confused and shocked by her that he didn't even remember how to function. His mind was scrambling. Telling him to move, to do something. Stop looking stupid!

But he felt it and he was sure.

One hundred percent.

✓ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | | { zigzag x reader }Where stories live. Discover now