Chapter 1

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I never imagined that a human being could make a sound like that. 

I was startled awake at 2 AM on the cold, hard tile floor by the blood-curdling shriek of what sounded like a tortured cat. 

I jumped up out of my sleeping bag and looked around the room. Many of my classmates had also awoken at this horrible screech. We looked at each other, confused and a little scared. I got up to investigate, my morbid curiosity got the better of me. A couple others followed suit. With a nod to each other, we started running towards where we thought the sound came from. As we rounded the corner, we saw a light on at the end of the hallway. 

"It came from the library!" I said breathelessly to the others as I flung the door open. 

Nothing...not one thing or person in this world could have prepared me for what I saw next. 

My breath caught in my throat and I felt my stomach start to churn as I fell to my knees, my legs giving out as my hands slammed against the tile floor with a dull slap. 

Supressing the urge to throw up, I turned around to look at the door. Through my bleary, tired eyes, I could see the rest of the class cover their mouths in horror. Some turned right around and ran the other way. Some started crying. Some simply stood there in a cold shock. 

I could barely will myself to turn around to look at it again, but I did. 

And it was not something I would've liked to look upon twice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2022 ⏰

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