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A/N: This NaLu fanfic is posted in but I also decided to post it here since this is the first writing platform that I used! All of my NaLu fanfics are so if have the time, feel free to check in out! -queenuly14



Natsu yawned, still feeling sleepy after a night of binge watching his favorite series on Netflix.

Dazed eyes stared blankly at the board infront of him.

His alarm really did a good job of waking him up this early despite his nightly routines.

"Hey flame brain!" Natsu internally groaned when he heard his rival's voice near him.

I should've worn my ear plugs! He thought, ruffling his already messy hair in annoyance.

Mustering the will to give his attention to Gray, he glared at the raven haired who only responded with a smirk.


"You look awful..." No shit, Sherlock. I grumbled out internally.

Stifling an incoming yawn threatening to escape, I straightened my posture from my slouched form to give him an annoyed look.

Feeling less worse than earlier since Gray started our usual morning routine A.K.A our taunting banters, sleepiness slowly faded away and was replaced by competitiveness.

"Shut it, Ice prick and before you comment on other's appearance, check yours first...This is a school and not your work place..."I shot back, giving him a mocking smile at his annoyed expression.

I heard him mumble out an incoherent response, which I ignored, as he buttoned his uniform once more.

My point,Droopy eyes...



It felt really good to come up with a retort that can easily shot down his in a second.

My comeback sure as heck annoyed him when I saw him aim a punch at me.

I readied myself for the force by also aiming by his left cheek when suddenly, a hand stopped his arm.

We both looked at Loke questionably, me in confusion while Ice princess in understanding. I continued to observe them, curious on how weird this interaction of them is.

I saw Gray shrugged his shoulder in nonchalance as he took Loke's hold off of his arm.

"Got distracted by his damned face...Anyway, did you already see it?" Gray said, looking at me as if his question is directed to me.

"See what?" I questioned.

Loke sighed, fixing his glasses," Seems like you haven't...Guess it's understandable considering your disheveled appearance and dazed expression earlier screams how far you are from reality..."

"Look at your desk dumbass...If that was a snake, it had already bit your damned face off ash-for-brains..."Gray interjected, earning a glare from me because of his usual commentary.

The glare melted into confusion when I understood what he said. Intent filled with mostly curiosity, I looked down at my desk and was once again confused when I found an envelope on top of it.

I took and inspected it. It was pink, with hearts all over it as a design. A fruity smell of citrus suddenly assaulted my nose upon taking a closer look causing me to sneeze. I crinkled my nose at the smell. It was unlike the smell of citrus I'm used to since some strong aroma mixes with it.

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