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You pouted, watching as Kusuo walked past your classroom. 'Can't he wait for me, at least?' You grumbled mentally, exiting the room to run after him.

"Hey, wait up!" You exclaimed, making him halts from his tracks. "Will we walk home together?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side.

It's been three days since the two of you had started walking home together. With the help of coffee jellies, of course. Toritsuka would also come along with the two of you sometimes.

"You have a training today, [ surname ]," stated Saiki as he flicked your forehead. He's right. Not only you're academically brilliant, but you're also physically active.

You play sports out of your will. You were forced to. Being a child with so many expectations from your parents, you have no choice. You were like a slave, you will do anything to make them proud.

Letting out a sigh, "then wait for me?"

"No," He paused for a second, trying to think of an excuse even if it means lying to you. "I'm walking home with.." Midway through his sentence, he hesitated. "..Nendou and Kaido today."

"Come on, Saiki! You always look irritated when you're with them." You pouted, stomping your feet on the ground like a little child.

"You act as if I'm not annoyed when I'm with you." He replied bluntly, rolling his eyes. "Wow— do you really hate me that much?" You grumbled, a tick mark forming your forehead.

"You're so annoying. Fine, I'll walk home with you. I guess." stated Kusuo, mumbling the last part as he leaned on the wall near him. "Just hurry with your training." He added, more like a demand.

"Please watch my training." You requested, clasping your hands together into a praying position. Kusuo silently nodded, annoyed.

You were pretty proud of yourself. You didn't know annoying him would work. Well, for the first time, you didn't have to bribe him with sweets. You grinned in victory. Your smile that Kusuo always found stupid.

Your training was a whole wreck. You were all worked up and what's more embarrassing is that your crush watched you struggle the entire time.

'Maybe it was a bad idea to bring him here with me!' You mentally cried out, panting. This was your first training this month, and it's already torturing you. You were glad it's finally finished.

"I'm so tired!" You groaned, wiping your sweat using your handkerchief.

Kusuo blankly stared at you, watching you trying to breathe. After a few moments of hesitating whether to give you water, he finally decided.

"Drink this." He stated, shoving a water bottle on your chest. This scene felt familiar. Back when you were about to die, he did the exact same thing at the exact same spot.

Except it was a water bottle and not his water jug.

"Thank you!" You smiled before opening the container and chugging the water down your throat. Once you set the bottle down, you let out a pant. Your throat was finally refreshed.

You felt your cheeks tint red when you noticed Kusuo draping his uniform jacket on your shoulder. "Huh? W-what's this for?" You asked, tilting your head to the side.

Even his most admirable gesture is enough to make you blush. "Your sports attire is revealing. I saw some boys staring at you earlier." He casually responded, the tone of his voice was like an overprotective father.

"..I'm used to it." You mumbled, lowering your head. You weren't actually used to it, but being friends with a pervert made you feel like it's no big deal.

Kusuo mentally tsked after hearing your own thought. "Just get a new attire or something." He shrugged. You pursed your lips, trying to stop yourself from saying something reckless out loud.

'I just want him to marry me!' You internally screamed, your face was red. 'I don't.' Kusuo casually rolled his eyes, crossing his arms.

No, he's not catching feelings. He will never catch feelings. He only did that because your sports attire was way too revealing. It shows your curve, and it somewhat disgusted him when he saw some boys check you out. Especially that he could hear their thoughts, he didn't know how you could deal with Toritsuka when he couldn't even deal with the medium himself.

Yes, Kusuo's mom, Kurumi, raised him well as a gentleman with respect.

"Well, anyway, shall we go home now then?" You questioned, asking for permission if he's still planning to do something. He nodded, staring back at you.

As you were about to walk away, he spoke out, "[ surname ]." You halted from your tracks and turned around to face him.

"What is it?" You responded, a bright smile was planted on your face. Kusuo made his way to you, resting his hand on your head.

He was using cryokinesis on you since you might get heatstroke.

'Oh, I suddenly feel much better now. I don't feel tired at all.' You thought, 'could it be..?' midway through your sentence, you paused.

Kusuo just stood there, shocked that you might find out that he's a psychic in no time.

'Could it be that whenever Kusuo makes contact with me, I feel better? Is this sign of true love?!' you continued, grinning like an idiot.

Kusuo stared blankly at your conclusion, unamused. 'Of course, it's [ name ] we're talking about. She's not that smart.' He sighed in relief.

Although there were some lingering feelings inside him that wanted to tell at least someone the burden about being psychic.

Would that lucky person be you?

Or someone else.

"Thank you for walking me home again today." You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Oh, uhm— Sorry for bothering you, really." You added, reaching something on your bag.

"Here, take these. I baked these cookies and I was thinking of giving them to you earlier." You smiled, handing him the neatly packed cookies in a container.

He gladly accepted the container, his hand brushing your fingers. The contact made you blush once again. "See you tomorrow, Saiki!" You smiled as you watched him walk away right after he bowed a thank you.

'Yeah, tomorrow then.'

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