The Beginning of My Journey on The Voice (Australia) 2018

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"Hey dad! It looks like Joe Jonas is going to be the new coach on The Voice (Australia)!" I said excitedly. "Oh, cool!" Dad said, coming over to look at my computer screen. "Do you think I could sign up for a blind audition?" I asked. "Sure, I'll help you," he replied. "Okay!" I said excitedly. After clicking on several links, I finally found the page to sign up for a blind audition on The Voice (Australia). My dad then helped me sign up for a virtual open call. After we signed up for the virtual open call, I started practicing for it.

When the virtual open call came up, I introduced myself and the song I was going to be singing. "Hi, my name is Hannah Montana. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm an international all-star and I'm thirteen years old. The song I'm going to be singing is "Best of Both Worlds" by Hannah Montana." After the virtual open call, my computer screen said that a producer would email me in a few days and tell me if I got to be in the blind auditions.

A few days later, my phone pinged with a notification saying I got an email. When I saw the notification, I immediately looked at the email and screamed because the email said that I got into the blind auditions. "OMG! I can't believe it! I got into the blind auditions!" I said excitedly to my dad. "Great!" dad replied. "It says they're going to fly me and any friends and family to Sydney, Australia for my blind audition," I said. "Who do you want to come with you to Australia?" he asked. "I think you, Jackson, Lily (Lola), Oliver (Mike Stanley), Roxie, and Aunt Dolly (Dolly Parton) should come with me to Australia to see me perform on The Voice," I replied.

Later that day, "Hey Lilly! Hey Oliver!" I said when I saw them hanging out together on the beach. "Oh, hey Miley!" Lilly said. "Hey," Oliver said. "So, I have something I want to tell you guys!" I said excitedly. "What is it?" Lilly asked. "Guess who's going to be auditioning on The Voice (Australia)?!" I replied excitedly. "Uh, Paula Abdul?" Lilly asked. "Nope! Teen – Pop Sensation Hannah Montana!" I replied excitedly. "What?!" Oliver said. "I know! I'm so excited to be going to Australia! So, do you guys want to come?" I said excitedly. "Uh, sure!" Lilly and Oliver said. "Awesome!" I exclaimed. "When do we leave for Australia?" Oliver asked. "Our flight leaves on Wednesday at 11 pm. And dad, Aunt Dolly, Roxie, and Jackson are coming with us," I replied.

Later that day, I called Aunt Dolly (Dolly Parton). When I told her that I was going down to Australia to audition for The Voice (Australia) and asked her if she would like to come, she was so excited and immediately said yes. "Awesome! I'll see you in a couple of days!" I said excitedly. "All right! When do we leave, and who's coming with you (besides me)?" She replied excitedly. "Dad, Lilly, Oliver, Jackson, and Roxie are coming with me. And our flight leaves on Wednesday at 11 pm," I replied. "Cool! Well, I'll see you in a couple of days!" she said excitedly.

After the call with Aunt Dolly, I called Roxie. When I told her that I was auditioning for The Voice (Australia) and asked her if she wanted to come with me. When I asked her, she immediately said yes. "Who's coming with you (besides me)?" she asked. "You, dad, Jackson, Aunt Dolly, Lilly, and Oliver are coming with me to Australia!" I replied excitedly. "When are we leaving?" she asked. "Our flight leaves on Wednesday at 11 pm," I replied. "Awesome! Well, I'll see you on Wednesday evening!" She said excitedly. "Cool! What time are you going to get here?" I asked. "I'll probably get there around 8:30 – 9 pm," She replied. "Awesome! I'll see you then!" I said excitedly.

Two days later, I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" I yelled. I then came downstairs and opened the door to find Aunt Dolly standing there on the front doorstep. "OMG! Hi Aunt Dolly!" I exclaimed. "Hi Miley! Are you excited about auditioning for The Voice (Australia)?!" she said excitedly. "Of course! Are you excited about coming with us to Australia?" I replied excitedly. "Of course!" she exclaimed. "Well, come on in!" I said excitedly. She then steps inside, and I show her up to my room (where she'll be sleeping for 1 night).

Tomorrow night at 8:45 pm, Dad, Lilly, Oliver, Jackson, Aunt Dolly, and I are sitting watching a movie while waiting for Roxie to arrive so we could leave for the airport to catch our flight to Australia. About 5 minutes later, I heard the doorbell ring. So, I stood up went to open the door. When I open the door, I see Roxie standing there on the front doorstep. "Hey Roxie! I said excitedly. "Hey Miley! How are you doing?" she asked. "I'm doing good! Should we head to the airport?!" I replied excitedly. "Sure!" they (Lilly, Oliver, Jackson, Roxie, dad, and Aunt Dolly) said.

Forty minutes later, we (Lilly, Oliver, Jackson, Roxie, dad, Aunt Dolly, and I) got to the airport. Fifteen hours later, we got to Australia and went through customs and security. After that, we walked out of the airport to find that a car was there to pick us up and take us to the studio campus.

When we got to the studio campus, we saw a producer there. "Hi! Are you guys ready to go up to your rooms?" He asked when he saw us getting out of the car. "Yeah, we're ready," I replied. "Good! Well, your interview and blind audition are tomorrow, Ms. Montana," he said as he was taking us up to our rooms. "Okay, thank you!" I said.

Tomorrow afternoon at my interview:

"Why don't you just introduce yourself and tell people a little bit about you," the producer said.

"Hi, my name is Hannah Montana. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee. I'm an international all-star and I'm thirteen years old. I became famous when I was eleven years old. I wanted to audition for The Voice because I love the Jonas Brothers. I love all the Jonas Brothers equally, so I don't have a favorite Jonas Brother. My dad's name is Robby Ray, he is my manager, and he writes all the songs that I sing."

After my interview:

"All right, you're all set to go hang out in the waiting area with your friends and family until we come and tell you to go wait at the big red doors over there for your blind audition," the producer said pointing over at the big red doors. "Okay, sounds good," I replied. I then went over and sat with the host, Lilly, Oliver, Jackson, Roxie, dad, and Aunt Dolly on the red couches and chatted with them until the producer came over and told me to go over to the big red doors and wait until they opened them so that I could go on stage and sing. 

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