Episode 10-Phantomesque

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Rebekah: I haven't seen vampires die like this since... You were killed.

Kol: And my entire sire line died with me?

Rebekah: Elijah?

Klaus: Rebekah and Kol just landed?

Klaus: I assure them we're mere moments from returning our brother to life?

Klaus: Don't make me a liar?

Freya: I can't resurrect Elijah until I'm certain his mind is whole?

Klaus: You saved Finn with that very trinket. What's the problem?

Freya: When that pendant was shattered, Elijah's mind shattered with it?

Freya: He's most likely retreated to the innermost core of his consciousness?

Hayley: How do we find that?

Freya: I don't know?

Freya: He could be anywhere in over 1,000 years of memories?

Freya: But if I try fixing the pendant before finding him and healing his mind, he'll be permanently fractured?

Freya: Like casting a broken bone before it's been properly set?

Klaus: Spare me the medical analogies and fix him?

Freya: I need to go inside and find him?

Freya: Once I'm sure his mind is stable, then I can fix the pendant?

Klaus: Well, then stop talking and get in there--?

Hayley: Klaus, take a walk?

Hayley: Get some air and let her work, please?

Hayley: Please tell me that you can do this?

Freya: He's my brother?

Freya: I'm not gonna stop until he's safe?

Josh: Good news and bad news?

Josh: Vincent thinks he can cure Sofya?

Josh: All you need to do is bring him The Hollow's blood?

Marcel: 1,500-year-old newly-resurrected super-powerful witch?

Marcel: And I just need to get her blood?

Marcel: There's got to be another option?

Marcel: Is that all he said?

Josh: Pretty much?

Josh: Just something about extracting the magic from The Hollow's blood, and then reverse-engineeringwhat she did to Sofya?

Josh: The point is, I think it's a safe bet that Sofya's not his top priority?

Marcel: Sofya risked her life for me, all right?

Marcel: I'm not just gonna sit around while she's dying?

Josh: Fine, I get that?

Josh: But given that The Hollow is like, pure evil incarnate, maybe you should consider reaching out to people who are just a little more powerful than me?

Josh: Like... Like Mikaelson people?

Marcel: I work better alone?

Josh: Really?

Josh: Then what am I doing here?

Marcel: You're the only one I trust, all right?

Marcel: Just look after her. Meanwhile, I'm gonna track down The Hollow?

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