Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Hi guys Yea I know you're mad at me but at least I updated right hehehehe ok sorry but here the chapter yall have been waiting for and a lot of lovely fluff.

Naruto pov:

It has been 2 weeks since I went shopping and I have 1 more week of rest before I have to go back to work. I was excited to be able to go back and do something but I would also be sad not being able to see my baby, and I would have less time with Akia but that's ok because I would be working hard to get money to buy Akia things since I was mostly using Shikamaru's money.

1 week later

I was now getting dressed wearing new clothes for myself instead of that orange jumpsuit. Sure I loved it but he had to wear other clothes too. I wore black anbu pants and a black shirt and had his black pouch where he would keep all his ninja tools. I then went to his and Shikamaru's bed and went to wake up a sleeping Shikamaru and Akia. I smiled seeing Shikamaru sleeping and Akia sleeping on his chest. They both looked so cute and peaceful. I began to shake shikamaru to try and wake him up but of course that did not work. So I did what I always did: I picked up Akia off his chest then put her in her crib which was next to her bed to watch the show. Naruto got up and screamed shikamaru so loud the whole Nara clan heard. Shikamaru woke up so fast and got on his feet he could probably beat a cheetah. His face looked so scared and shocked so I started to feel baby but how Akia was laughing I started laughing to. " I'm sorry shikamaru haha I tried to wake you up but you didn't wake up so I did it this way hahaha" . Shikamaru looked mad but started laughing too. He went over to Akia crib and picked her up. You laughing me huh Akia you laughing troubsome blond just like your mother ". Shikmaru said to Akia while tickling her, making her laugh even more. Naruto smiled at the cute moment he is really thankful for shikamaru he is his best friend and boyfriend and hope shikamaru can be even more in the future.

Time skip( shikamaru got dressed and they had breakfast now he and naruto are saying bye to Akia.)

Saying by to Akia was harder than Naruto thought he gave Akia a final hug and kiss but did"nt want to leave Shikamaru had to pick him up and walk away while naruto had actual tears falling down his face saying how much he will miss Akia while Akia laughed thinking it was funny. Shikamaru was know walking naruto to the team 7 training ground naruto was still upset for leaving Akia but being able to still be with Shikamaru made him happy since he knew he was gonna deal with a lot of trouble when he got to the training ground.

Naruto pants but with no bandage

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