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The vehicle pulled up to the big black gate. Celest held in her breath and let out a long sigh. She couldn't believe she was back here, of all the places in the world she could have been right now, this was the last place she ever wanted to be. Home!

She stepped out of the vehicle and thanked the driver for the ride and looked up at the mansion. It looked as if the windows were staring at her. "How nostalgic", She thought as she looked back at the windows. They always were watching her since she was a child, along with the curious house maids and butler that peeped behind the curtains. She walked up towards the Door, the driver was behind her struggling with her luggage with a wry smile on his face pretending that it wasn't a big deal, she knew otherwise.

She rang the doorbell and a couple seconds later she was face to face with a frail looking woman who looked as if she had seen better days.

"Ms. Olliverre, we've been expecting you". The woman bowed her head and motioned her to enter. "We've prepared your room and lunch for you, we are here at your full disposal and my name Ms Olliverre is Alyssa and I'm happy to serve you". Her frail figure seemed to have all of a sudden be injected with life and a peculiar glow had all of a sudden flooded her face. It was a pleasant look.

"Please just call me Celest, no need to be so formal with me, I'm merely the guest here", Celest said with a forced smile. "Just direct me to my room, I've had a long morning and just need a moment to lie down and then compose myself". She was tired, but not from the trip. She had hardly gotten any sleep the night before, in fact she had hardly gotten any sleep since the lawyer called.

The lawyer had called her three days ago with one of those unexpected calls you get but wish you didn't recieve. The news wasn't the kind she wanted to hear. Apparently her great uncle had fell sick with a terminal illness and had a matter of weeks to live and was confined to his hospital bed. Hearing this news Celest didn't know what to say. Her uncle was Celest and her sister Niaomi guardian after their mother and father died on a tragic boat accident along with the majority of their other family members. Their uncle was the only surviving member of the ordeal and he made it his business to take care of them.

Celest entered the room that was prepared for her. Alyssa had told her while they were coming up the stairs that her old bedroom was refurnished because there was a small fire, so for now this would be her bedroom. It was big, much bigger than her old room and felt somewhat safer. She looked at the silk sheets and ran her hand along Its entirety. She loved silk and felt a sense of relief that someone did their homework. She went over to the window and looked outside and saw the park sized backyard. Her mother's garden was still there, adjacent to her tombstone that was put there by her uncle. Her mother always told everyone that when she died she wanted to be put next to her flowers and plants. She had gotten her wish. Her father on the other hand had been cremated and his ashes were scattered around the apple tree that he had planted when celest was about four. She continued looking around the yard and saw that the old pool house was still there and a new one was right next to it. Strange that they didn't tear down the ugly old thing but she knew her uncle, he love keeping old things around the new.

Two hours later, Alyssa was by her door to tell her she had "guest". This was a surprise to her because she didn't tell anyone other than the lawyer and her sister that she was coming to Bansey. She quickly slipped out of her bathrobe and dressed as semi formal as possible and hurried down the spiral stairs. Waiting in the living room were two women. One of them was a tall dark skinned woman who had in tiny lock twist and was dressed in a baby blue blouse and a white pants that almost looked like a bell bottom. The other was a brown skinned almost as celest with a chubby face and body with hips as wide as a highway. She wore a gray dress and black high heels and very loud jewelry.

" Good afternoon", said Celest as she approached the ladies with one hand outstretched, "I honestly wasn't expecting guest, so forgive me for my attire miss......."

"Adams", said the black lady who shook Celest hand with a lot of vigor, " Alrese Adams, and my friend her name is Audrey Mathews". She smiled and looked at Celest with a sense of pride. "We are your neighbours and you see we make it our business to know what's what in our area". She had a commanding spirit about her and Celest could tell right away that she was the dominant individual of the two friends.

"Well Ms. Adams, I honestly didn't expect to know that people would notice me so soon, since I just got here and all".

"Well Ms. Olliverre like i said, we make it our business and please this is your house, Alrese would suffice, I'm merely here for a visit not a business meeting". Alrese walked and sat in the sofa with her long legs laped in her strange lady like manner. She was a woman who clearly loved to intimidate everyone. She motioned to Audrey to come and sit next to her. "Audrey doesn't speak much, so forgive her".

Celest smiled but really was gritting her teeth. She couldn't believe the nerve of this woman, who she barely knew, coming into her parents house and acting like she was queen of all. "Well Alrese, you must forgive me for not knowing, some things we can't help, especially since we didn't get the proper heads up of the 'Who is Who' in Bansey. I'm sure my house staff would have informed me of any prestige Person or persons living in Bansey that I needed to know of but I guess they didn't have the time or you aren't that prestige for me to be fluttered about, but I'm sure the latter isn't the problem". Celest face smiled as she saw Alrese face went hard with a suppressed frown. She just basically humbled a potential dragon before it began breathing fire.

"Well Ms. Olliverre",said Alrese as she rose from the couch with Audrey following her as a puppet, "you probably are right, your staff didn't inform you maybe because they were to busy organizing for your arrival, but such things are trivial". She walked over to the painting of a beach with children playing in the sand. "I'm here to tell you that if ever you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, I left my number with the butler and my address as well. I'm sure we can be good friends and after all we ALL need friends, especially in these places". She gave Celest a chilling stare and walked out with a wave and Audrey tailing behind her like a second shadow. The door open and slammed. She was gone.

Celest went into the kitchen and met the cook and asked him to fix her a snack since was feeling a lite peckish. He fixed her some patties and nonalcoholic grape wine. She ate it and went back upstairs to her room. She wanted to call her sister and tell her about her confrontation with Alrese but she decided to wait till tomorrow. She was tired and sleepy. She crept into her bed and decided to call it a day even though it was just after 5 in the evening. She needed every ounce of strength for the upcoming days, especially tomorrow. She was going to see him......she was going to see HIM.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2015 ⏰

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