England x reader-wanker

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It was yet another day, and yet again a world meeting had ended with no solutions being solved.

You were walking out when a loud (obnoxious) American came rushing to you, "(Y/N) I was wondering dudette, do you want to come over today and play video games!"

"Of corse Alfie how could I say no to you!" You said as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, and as that happened a jealous brit was watching it all.

~time skip to Americas house~
Alfred had invited you, Matthias, and Gilbert to play video games, but Alfred had stopped you from playing because he said there were more people coming.

"Really I thought you would only invite the awesome trio over?" You asked confused because when was the last time he invited other people over then his trio( including you)

" I just invited Spain, and France over, so the btt and awesome trio could hang out! And maybe a certain brit." America said and you blushed at the last statement, the awesome trio knew about your crush on author and they swore they would get you together.

~time skip to when your playing Mario kart~
All eight of you were playing Mario kart and let's say you and Alfred were not getting along.

" your cheating!" You yelled at Alfred and Alfred simply smirked and kept playing.

"But (y/n) how do you cheat at Mario kart?" Spain asked confused

The awesome trio just smiled devilishly because they knew what was going to happen next.

" that's simply my amigo!" You explained using his language and went behind him and covered his eyes while you skillfully kept playing.

"_-___! I can't see!" Spain cried out trying to get you off him! While everyone else laughed.

~time skip~
Spain was pouting because he had lost because of you and you kept apologizing. "I'm so so so so so so sorry Antonio! But you asked for it!" You said playfully punching him in the arm.

" I'll get you back chica!" Spain said while biting into a tomato.

"Dudes I say we play truth it dare!!" Alfred exclaimed

" what no that's not fair I can feel all you guys gang up on me!" You cried out because you were the only girl.

"Don't be silly Frau!" Gilbert said with a smirk, you pouted but finally gave in.

So after many epic fails including Matthias sliding down the stairs with a mattress, France going to the store and proposing to the First Lady he saw, and you breaking into Germany's house and stealing all his hair gel while he was taking a shower. (Maybe that will become a one-shot one of these days?)

"So how vas it (y/n)" Gilbert said while you were sitting in a corner.

" it was scary he almost saw me, luckily I hid under his bed!" You yelled making Alfred laugh because he had been watching the whole time.

"Shut it you wanker I bet its scary trying to run from Germany!" Author yelled to Alfred trying to defend you, then you did something no one was expecting you hit author in the side of the head with your hand leaving a mark.

"What the bloody hell what that for!" Author yelled holding the side of the head where it was throbbing.

"You can't just go calling people wanker!" You yelled back a little stunned that you actually hit the guy of your dreams, while everyone else was laughing out loud, almost crying too from how hard they were laughing.

" what do you mean, love." Author said confused and a little sad that you had hit him so hard.

You blushed a little when he said love, how you loved it when he called you that, but you were so mad at him you snapped and yelled, " do you even know what that word means!"

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