How it Feels to be Loved

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This is my first attempt at writing. I hope you enjoy it, and it you don’t then please keep you negative comments to yourself.  Comment please. (Only good or constructive criticism.)


Chapter 1

I can hear my mom yelling at the top of her lungs. I could also my father, he was calling her a “stupid bitch” I heard her telling him” to get the fuck out”. Then I heard a loud bang and then my mother loud cry, and that when it all started. I pushed my head in my pillow to stop the sounds of my cries, and that’s when I heard my father say “Stupid bitch you don’t want to give me no pussy. I will take that shit.” It was silent for a minute that I heard a loud bump and my mom screaming “Get off of me”. I couldn’t hold back anymore I started crying loudly “leave her alone”. All the sound stop then I heard “oh so you don’t want this dick. Fine ill give it to Ashley”. No no not again, I got under the bed and hide. That didn’t stop him he pulled me from under the bed and………

    I awaken to the sound of my alarm clock. My heart was beating so hard in my chest, and sweat was running down my face.  I pulled the cover from off my head, and smashed the alarm clock until I heard the snoozer.  I laid there trying not to look at the sunlight peeking through the blinds. I was used to the nightmares, but the lack of sleep really is starting to get tough.  I laid there for a minute, and then it hit me today was the day. Today was my 18th birthday, and that means today is the day that I become my own women. Today I was grown; well really I have always been grown mentally. But now I was grown legally. I hopped out of be so fast that when my feet hit the floor and stung. But that didn’t matter; I jetted into the bathroom and slammed the door. I looked into the mirror and took a deep breath. My hair was a mess and my breath smelled like shit. I jumped in the shower I was in desperate need to be cleaned of the nightmare, and then i need to get ready for my great day.

          After getting dressed in a plan white tank, and a pair of Levi’s that made my ass look so good, I hopped down the stairs expecting to see my mom with pancakes. But no one was there, my face dropped and my tummy rumbled. I cannot believe that she would forget me on my birthday, one of the biggest days of my life.

          In a desperate attempt to make me feel better I ate a cookie and song happy birthday to myself aloud. I went into the living room hoping to see a present, and to my surprise there was a note on the table. When I opened the note there was $200 dollars in it, I put the money in my pocket and finished reading

                “Dear, Lee

Sorry that I couldn’t be there when you got up I had to run into work early. So here is $200 dollars buy yourself something nice.

     P.S happy birthday I love you. Oh and grandpa said call him.

I throw the note to the side and pulled out the phone to call the one person I knew was just as happy as I was. Before I could even say hello she was already there.

“Happy birthday Lee”! Kim screamed through the phone.

“Thank you Kim”.

“So how does it feel?”

“How does what feel?”

“How does it feel to be 18?”

“Well I really don’t know yet it kind of just started”

“Right right”

“I mean mentally I have always been grown, the only thing that changed is the number”

“Ewe you really know how ruin things grandma. So any way what’s up?” She said

“Do you want to go to the mall?”

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