After everyone went home me Amelia Abi and mae got in to a face time call and you know what happens on that... *licks lips hard* *throws it back really hard and sharts all up the wall* . I look to see Amelia have a big didardo on her head I ask when come over we are taking turns to bounce on her head and then she gets a big boner...
After like 10 mins or so of talking about her book and vinnie the hacker we start moaning so we show off our big pp on the screen, we hear clapping noise coming from Amelia's screen we turn to see Amelia flipping her pp around trying to bounce on it then we I turn to Abi shitting all over herself and using it as lotion... then Amelia grabs a period cup and starts taking shots then I decided what the heck imma go do back flips on Amelia's oo while she does that....
Then Abi comes in and asks to join so she bends down and we start clapping her fat badonkedonk..