Chapter 4

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A beep woke James up. He grabbed his phone quicker then he has ever before. A Facebook message from Ella flashed on his phone. He woke Tristan up, shaking him hard and sat with him on his bed. With his shaking hands he unlocked his phone. His heart beating his his chest, he was smiling to himself and Tristan was there for him in case it was bad news.
" Hello James, the gig was great and you caught my eye to. However I don't want to meet up with you and Hang with you. Hope that's Ok. Ella xx".
James felt a tear roll down his cheek, he was hurt more then ever before he wanted to know what was wrong with him and why no one wanted him. Tristan told the rest of the boys as James got back into bed and just sat there with his head under his pillow.
The rest of the band was trying to think up a way to help James but as the bus drove off for the next gig there was nothing they could do at the moment.
Later that day James finally got up and had sausage pancake to help him feel a little better. After that he done a follow spree on Twitter. One girl caught his eye who was asking for a follow and that was Ella. Ella was the one who had rejected James yet wanted a follow. James mind swirled with the thought of why and I he should or if he should reject her like she rejected him.
Leaving her to last, he went onto Ella Twitter page. 200 tweets all about James were at the top of her page. This was getting weird. James quickly grabbed Tristan and told him of the discovery he had found but Tristan told him that this girl didn't deserve him and that he should have better. He knew that she was as good as she got. He hit the follow bottom.
His heart was in his mouth as he received a message from her. This changed everything, she cared, she wanted him. Tristan told him not to get his hopes up but he didn't listen. James left the room and phoned Nate to tell him all about it and how she rejected him. He always felt like Nate was his younger brother and he just felt like he needed to tell him about it all. About how she has played his heart. Free getting off the phone for two hours. The other three boys were sat on the couch waiting for him. They told him about how concern they are and that they loved him to much to him get hurt. James felt destroyed that they didn't support him and left them and went back to bed looking at the massage from Ella reading it over and over again in his head. She had his heart.

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