Birthday Rejection

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“NATALIE!!! You better be up and ready! You were supposed to be doing your duties at the pack house 10 minutes ago.” My mother, Mary, yelled. Mom is a beautiful woman, with black hair and brown eyes. Although, that is where all the beauty stops.
“Yes mother, I am coming out of my room now.” I called back. Not like I get to eat breakfast anyway, or another meal for that matter.
Signing, I look at myself in the broken mirror one last time. If it wasn’t for the dull look and dark circles under my green eyes, that used to be so vibrant, I would have looked semi decent today. My body is another matter entirely. Even though I do not get to eat everyday, I am still Curvy. Slim waist, round ass, and a decent pair of boobs. But that is where the good stops, you can also see my ribs, and collar bone. I even have to make sure I wear clothes that cover me up, due to the numerous bruises left by my father, Beta Justin Moore. Ugh, do not think about father, it will end up in more flashbacks than I can handle for the day.
Picking up my phone, that is an outdated flip phone, I come out of my room, close the door and head downstairs. Only when I reach the bottom, I can see that my father is still there.
*Midnight: everything will be okay Nat, I have a feeling something good is going to happen today.
*Me: how can you be so sure Midnight?
*Midnight: honestly, I do not know. However. Just think happy thoughts today. Like how we will fond our mate in a couple days.
*Me: Yeah, you are right. But do you think he will reject us?
*Midnight: I don’t think so, but if that happens I will be here for you like you will be there for me.
Me: very true, love you girl
*Midnight: love ya too Nat
“You are to come straight home today. If you do not, you know that consequences. Do not cause trouble, and I better not hear anything about people bullying you, you know you deserve anything they dish out to you.” My father ranted.
“Yes, father.” I replied back looking at the floor. Out of my two siblings and I, he only treats me like this. Like I am an abomination or something. Over the years, I have gotten used to this treatment. Although, I really wished I had a family that actually cared for me, and did not abuse me constantly.
It takes me about two minutes to walk out of my house and to the pack house. Not because I was fast walking or anything. Once I get to the kitchen, Mrs. Morris put me straight to work helping her make breakfast for everyone. Out of everyone, Mrs. Morris is by far the best. She has always been patient with me, and never looked at me with disgust.
About 40 minutes later we had scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, biscuits, and orange juice on the dining room table. Literally as soon as I stepped back into the kitchen, everyone started piling into the dining room to eat.
“Honey, I know you have not eaten yet today, why don’t you sit down at the counter and have something real quick.” Mrs. Morris stated looking at me with sympathy.
“No I am okay I had a little something before I left the house.” I lied to her. Although she always knows that it is a lie, however she knows that if she says anything to anyone she could get in trouble. I do not want anyone to be in trouble because of me.
“I knew it was going to be that answer. Just be careful dear. You need strength and food helps with that.” She said to me before walking out of the kitchen. When I finally leave, I think she will be the only one that I will miss.
It has been a few hours and it is almost time for dinner. I am in the kitchen helping Mrs. Morris again with preparing food when I get a mind link from my father.
Dad: where are you?
Me: in the kitchen helping Mrs. Morris with dinner
Dad: as soon as you are done with that, get your ass home. You are in trouble again, why can’t you do anything right?!
Me: I will be there as soon as I get done.
He did not say anything else and cut the link off. What could I have done this time? I have done all of my chores, and the duties that have been piled on me since I was 7. After relaying to Mrs. Morris what my father had said, she told me to go ahead and go home. Making sure I had everything, I head over to my house.
I barely made it into the door when my father grabbed me by the neck and threw me down to the floor inside the house. He then proceeded to punch and kick me. Evidently he did not care if he hit my face or not today.
“You were told to make this house spotless before you left for your duties!” He screamed at me, still beating me to a pulp. “Now you are going to get thus place spotless before I come back from patrol. If you do not, I will beat you within an inch of your life.” He punched me one more time in my stomach and stormed out the front door.
There is no point in telling him that no one told me to clean this place up before my other duties today. So, I mustered up all my strength and started cleaning the house. First starting with the living room and working my way upstairs. By the time I was done, I did not even bother going to bed. Seeing as how it was already 5 in the morning.
Instead I went and got a shower, got ready and headed over to the pack house to get started on the preparations for Tyler Duncan’s Alpha ascension. He was and still is one of the main people who bully me, along with his girlfriend Maria Lambert. Tyler is a handsome man with short blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He is 6’3” tall and of course has muscles. Even though he is mean to me, I am drawn to him. Which I think is completely weird, seeing as how I should hate him.
Maria, I absolutely hate, she is 5’6” tall with long red hair, and green eyes. The way I see it she is a full blown ginger…definitely does not have a soul. She makes sure to make Mt life hell when she sees me. Hence why I told stay to the kitchen and rush to get the cleaning done.
I really do not want to be in this pack when he becomes Alpha. I just know it will not be good for me. One of those who horrible people will make sure to kill me, and I know my family will not come help me.
With everything that has been on my mind, I did not notice that it was lunch time. Making my way into the kitchen I say my usual hello yo Mrs. Morris, and get started on helping her. Once every member is fed I start helping out with the decorations. People are saying their usual things to me, “you are so slow”, “how could you be a beta when you have no wolf”. Paying them no mind like always and just getting my stuff done.
By the time I am done doing my duties and helping finish the decorations it is just now midnight. Happy freaking birthday to me, I thought to myself. Now to go back home and hopefully get some sleep. However, making my way to get my things, I start to smell the most amazing scent. And then all of a sudden I hear in my head
Omg! What is that smell?? It smells so good!
Me: wait who are you?
Oh! I am your wolf, and my name is Midnight
Me: that is a beautiful name! However, before we find out what that smell is, you need to know a few things.
I then proceeded to tell Midnight everything. From being bullied, to the beatings from our father. Needless to say she is not happy now. She was either growling or whimpering while I was explaining.
Midnight: Well Nat I am here now. You no longer have to feel alone, and we will have our mate. Now, can we please find out where that smell is coming from?
Me: Yeah, let’s go before you start really freaking out
Once we started following the scent outside I had to turn towards my house. Only to come face to face with Tyler. Looking up at him, I could hear Midnight screaming in my head “MATE!” and wagging her tail. However, Tyler looked disgusted.
“Well, look who finally got their wolf. Now I can do what I have wanted to do since last year. I, Tyler Duncan, future Alpha of the River Rock Pack, reject you Natalie Moore as my mate and Luna.” He said seething at me.
Instead of crying like I wanted to, I squared my shoulders and said, “I Natalie Moore, accept your rejection.” I walked off towards my house, while Tyler fell to the ground holding his chest. He was looking at me with a weird emotion in his eyes. It almost looked like regret.

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