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"Oh." Disappointment can be heard in Kusuo's voice the moment he saw you standing on the door in front of his house. Beside you stood his mom, a friendly smile on her face.

Kusuo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Why are you here?" He asked, raising a brow. "Not a good way to greet your guests." You pouted, trying your best to look cute.

Kusuo's mom cried in glee, watching as his son conversed with a girl. "I didn't know your friends with her, Kuu!" she cooed, wiping her tears.

'She's not my friend.' Kusuo furrowed his brows before eyeing you suspiciously.

"I saw her when I was on my way home. She's the daughter of my friend!" Kurumi happily explained, clasping her hands together. "[ name ]-chan, please take care of Kuu. He rarely socializes because he's a psy—"

As Kurumi was about to finish her sentence, Kusuo interrupted. "Ka-san, someone's at the doorbell. I'll handle her." He blankly stated, making Kurumi panic.

'I'm so sorry, Kusuo! I didn't mean to tell her! It just slips off my mouth, I swear!' The older woman thought, in hopes that her son would hear her.

You stood there, confused. "What about psy? Saiki, are you secretly a psychopath?" You bombarded him with questions the moment his mom left the living room.

Kusuo was disappointed. Both at his mom and at you. "I'm not." He rolled his eyes, watching as you say on the couch.

"Hmmm, okay then. Come here and sit beside me!" You cheerfully offered, patting the empty seat beside you. "I'm good." He coldly replied, crossing his arm.

"Please?" You begged, giving him your puppy eyes. But nothing seemed to work with him. He's so dry and cold. Even if you make your cutest face, he can always find a way to say 'no'. That's what makes him interesting, at least for you.

Kusuo just boredly stared at you before finally agreeing. He sighed, taking a seat beside you. But he was so far away.

"Why are you so far?" You asked, tilting your head to the side. "Have you ever heard of consent and privacy?" replied Kusuo, his lazy eyes locking contact with you.

You pursed your lips, trying to think of something to say as you were too busy having a staring contest with him. "Oh... Ohh! Yeah! R-right." you awkwardly chuckled, fiddling with your thumb.

After a few moments of awkward silence, someone finally interrupted the crappy atmosphere.

"Sorry, [ name ]-chan, I have to go now. Yuuta's mom asked me to accompany her somewhere! You can come by again tomorrow. Kuu-chan, please walk her home!" Kurumi spoke out, making Kusuo frown.

"She's old. She can walk home by herself." The psychic shrugged as he responded.

"Walk her home."


"Oh, also, please take care of Yuuta!" Kusuo's mom added. After that, a green-haired guy came by. Kurumi waved goodbye before exiting the house along with Mrs. Iridatsu.

Your eyes gleamed as you looked at Yuuta. "Aren't you the cutest?" You cooed, walking up to him as you kneeled down to his height before pinching his cheeks.

At first, he was scared at the sudden contact. But the moment he saw Kusuo, he calmed down. "Hey, Cyborg Cider-Man No. 2!" Yuuta cheered, running away from you to him.

You but your inner cheek, sighing as you watched Kusuo smirk at the fact that Yuuta picked him over you. "Hey, hey! Let's watch Cyborg Cider-Man No. 2! My mom bought me a cd!" The kid cheered, jumping up and down.

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