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Maria was at the supermarket when she saw someone who looked so familiar from childhood.

She moved closer and saw it was Nicko, her childhood friend.

Maria approaches him and touches his shoulder.

"Do you remember me? She asked him.

Nicko replies "I don't think so.'

She said "we grew up in the same neighborhood on the South side of chicago.'

Then he answered "Maria Rodriguez, my best friend.

She replied " Yes it me in the flesh".

He said " wow you look good.'

Maria " Thanks you look good as well " "what are doing now she asked him in a cheerful voice.

He replied  " I'm now Attorney at Roberts law firm downtown Chicago" with a smile on his face.

"What about you? " What's your professional"

Maria answers "I'm a Pre- K teacher at Happy Kids school complex.'

"That's great I'm so proud of you my friend.

"Thanks, can we have dinner tonight?

"Nicko replies sure why not.

"Okay text me your address' so I can pick you up at eight pm.

So he texted his address to her phone.

"Alright thanks again" I will called you and let you know about dinner.

"Take care of yourself Nicko" Maria replied.

Nicko replies " You too Maria" I can't wait to see you this evening '.

They gave each other a hug and left for their homes.

The next morning Maria got to the coffee shop on time waiting for Nikos went she got a call from her sister Ruby, she picked up the call and answered "Hey sister, what's up' she said and Ruby said "nothing much i'm just reading my textbooks for exams next week. Maria answered " that's good to know" you should always read your books every day, so you can be successful in the future." So how's a university anyway she asked her in a cheerful tone.
Ruby answers" university is incredible, I made new friends and my classes are awesome. I love it so much, big sister"!

"Wow! I'm so glad you are doing well in school."Keep up the good work and continue to have higher grades and listen to your teachers."

"Thank you, sister Maria, I promise I won't let you and mom and dad down "I will keep my promise and work harder to pass all my classes." Alright, I have to go give mom and dad a kiss for me. I" adore you, Maria, take care of yourself and mom and dad, she said.

Maria answers back" I adore you too, Ruby , be a good girl and study, Ruby said" okay bye and Maria hung up the phone and saw Niko wave at him and he also waved back at her with a grin.

She got up in front of the table and hugged him and they both sat down waiting for the waiter.

" Hey, how are you?'' she asked him and he said, '' I'm fine and you, and she said "yes, I'm fine by God's blessings.

Niko answered back "that's cool. "I've been so busy these days at the firm", I hardly have time for myself or my family, he answered in a sad tone.
Maria answers back" I'm so sorry "I understand I'm also in the same boat at the law firm so overwhelmed by cases.
I didn't know that you are so busy with work as well, he said.
" oh, that's alright, I'm used to it every day.
Finally, the waiter came to take their orders, Niko says I will have a cappuccino with whipped cream on top with a ham sandwich, please and Maria answer back I will like black coffee with plenty of milk no sugar, and an egg sandwich on Rye thank you and the waiter left with their orders.
So Maria asked Johnson's law firm he asked and she answered the law firm is great and I won most of my cases she whispered. Wow, that's amazing I'm so proud of you Maria! Niko responded.
"Thank you, Nikolas! what about you as business at Trustee bank? So far she asked" Nikolas answered well so far everything is going well" no worries I'm just working hard to put accounting books in order and make it on time for the deadline.

Mara replied "good job you did well, I'm so happy for you.
Nikolas answered back " thanks I appreciate your feedback.
While talking about their childhood the waiter came with their coffees and sandwiches and departed.
Both of them started eating their food because they were hungry.

After they finished consuming the food, Nicholas called the waiter for the check and paid for it.
Nicholas and Maria got up and left Josie Coffee Shop hugged each other and went to work.

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