1. Audition Day

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A/N: My faceclaim for Olivia is Hannah Dodd. As each season of TNS goes by, Olivia will get older, as will the faceclaim. We start season 1 of TNS with Olivia as 15. I will always state how old she is when it changes. Also I'm sorry the cover is so bad, I'm good at video editing but not photo editing. Wattpad also crops it weird :)

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Outfits will also be added, as below. All outfits were created using Shoplook.

 All outfits were created using Shoplook

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As Olivia entered Studio A, butterflies began to swirl around her stomach. It was her first time auditioning for A-Troupe. She'd been in B-Troupe for a few years, but Miss Kate reckoned that she was ready to try for A-Troupe. Olivia was extremely excited to finally get her chance to go to Regionals. Her elder sister, Amelia, was on A-Troupe last year and had filled her in on how it was such a step up from B-Troupe. "You go from rehearsals twice a week to every single day, and the hours are so much longer than what you're used to. Go for it if you want, you're an amazing dancer, but the commitment is huge."  There were so many dancers from all troupes at the auditions that Olivia wasn't sure if she'd make it or not. But if Miss Kate said she was ready for it, then she would give it her best shot.

"Okay guys, this is how the auditions are going to work. You're going to be split up into groups of 4. Each group will dance their solos, and then dance together for the remainder of the song. From there, we will decide who gets into A-Troupe. Remember if you don't make it this year, there's always next year and it doesn't mean you're a bad dancer. You're all amazing, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Good luck, you have five more minutes to warm up and then we'll begin," Miss Kate explained. Everyone nodded, before the conversations resumed. Olivia sighed anxiously, shaking her hands to try and calm herself down. This was the biggest audition of her life so far, and she didn't even have her sister there to calm her nerves.

"Hey, what's your name again?" Emily asked, approaching Olivia with a beaming smile on her face.

"Um, it's Olivia," She replied awkwardly, confused as to why the leader of the E-Girls was talking to her. The E-Girls were an exclusive, all-girls club, which you could only join if you were a member of A-Troupe and if Emily asked you. They were the most popular girls in the studio. Pretty, friendly, and amazing dancers. The current members were Emily, her best friend Stephanie, Giselle, Tiffany, and Emily's younger sister Riley. Everyone thought they were called the E-Girls because their names all end in an 'E' sound, except Giselle who was often referred to as Ellie for that very reason. However, unbeknown to anyone else, Emily actually named them that because they were her girls. The club was her idea, they were her friends, they did what she wanted them to. She was completely in control of their every move and she loved it.

"Olivia, right...do you have something else that people call you? Like sometimes I tried to call your sister Amy but she didn't like it," Emily asked.

"Um...my friends and family call me Livvy sometimes," Olivia shrugged. Emily's face lit up. She grabbed Olivia's hand and led her over to the other E-Girls, who all greeted Olivia in turn and introduced themselves.

"Girls, this is Livvy. Livvy, we've been talking, and we've decided that if you make it into A-Troupe, there's a place for you in E-Girls. You and Chloe over there," Emily revealed.

"Oh my god, really?!" Olivia exclaimed, not quite believing what she was hearing. Ever since the E-Girls started she'd longed to be a part of it, and now she had the chance. There were now two things riding on the audition - going to Regionals and joining the E-Girls.

After everyone had finished warming up, the music started and everybody auditioned. There were so many incredible dancers that Olivia was worried she wouldn't even have a chance. She made sure to cheer for Emily when she did her solo to ensure the girls liked her. When Beth danced, she couldn't land her back walkover and fell awkwardly, leading Olivia to believe she would mess up her own audition and screw herself over. However, when it came time for her audition, she danced the best she could and was pretty proud of her performance. She was relieved it was over. She could finally relax for the first time in weeks. She was still nervous, of course, but she'd done all she could. It was in Miss Kate and Chris' hands now.

Miss Kate came out of her office, causing the chatter to die down and all heads to turn in her direction. She taped a piece of paper to the wall, reminding everyone not to be disappointed, before disappearing back into her office. Olivia took a deep breath, waiting for the big crowd to disperse before she checked the list. Some people cheered, hugged, hi-fived. Others sighed, cried, began gathering up their stuff. Finally, there was space to look, but Emily pulled her aside before she could check.

"Sorry, Livvy. We don't have a spot for you in E-Girls," She said, giving her a fake sympathetic smile before sauntering off with her girls. Olivia frowned, wondering why Emily had changed her mind, before finally going to check the list. It dawned on her why Emily had withdrawn her invitation to E-Girls. You had to be on A-Troupe to be in it, and Olivia didn't make it.

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