Chapter 2

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As I rushed Hayes into the hospital, his heart rate lowered. We rushed him into the closest room. After we got Hayes stable we ran him for some tests. He was still unconscious which made the other doctors very worried. After the test results came back we found out that Hayes had bleeding in his brain. He needed to be rushed into surgery right away.

Dr. Bailey told me to call Hayes's family. My heart sunk. How was I going to tell my idols parents that he son is dying?

I dialed their number. I took a deep breathe. "Hello?" said the voice. "Hello this is doctor Fitzgerald from Carolina Grace Hospital. May I ask who I'm speaking to?"
"This is Nash Grier, why are you calling?"
"I believe, your brother Hayes has been in a serious car accident and has bleeding in his brain."

I started to hear sobs, "Mr Grier are you there?"

"Yes, I will be at the hospital in a few minutes." Nash said.

"Your brother is going in surgery now."

I hung up the phone. I thought to my self, you just talked to Nash Grier. I wiped away that thought because, Hayed could die and that's what I'm worried about? That I just talked to a famous person. The Grier's are going through a real family crisis and that's what I'm worried about?

Nash ran into the hospital. I greeted him saying that I was the doctor who called him.

"How's Hayes?" he asked

"Hayes is still in surgery, but I will go and check on him."

"Thanks a lot" Nash said.

I walked to the operating room praying that Hayes would be okay. I couldn't bear having to tell Nash that his brother and best friend that he died.

I slowly walked into to find out that there was a lot more damage then they thought. They had to remove a part of his brain. They were just stitching Hayes up.

I returned to Nash and said that there was a lot more damage than they thought but he should be fine.

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