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YUTAyou seemed quiet in the chat

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you seemed quiet in the chat

you're always quiet.

cause the only person i
want to talk to is you

awww fuck off

im mad

why doll 😕

cause jungwoo and
hoehei are dating

and even tho i know
this is very wrong

i promised him id
suffer in silence

fuck why do i keep my word


scale from 1-10

im a fucking 11

im coming over

"make it quick," soojin exhaled as she opened the door to yuta, his figure leaning comfortably against the doorframe. "i have a date with taeyong's sister at six."

yuta smirked at her forwardness, uncrossing his arms and stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. "and here i was thinking we had potential," there was a joking tone to his voice that was enough to make the ravenette crack a grin.

shaking her head, soojin hummed and moved aside for yuta to enter. "yeah, yeah. but i seriously do need to leave in an hour—"

she was silenced by a pair of lips on hers, the sensation taking her so suddenly she didn't even have time to think before her back hit the front door. soojin let out a short whimper as yuta took her bottom lip between his teeth, tugging it enough to sting.

wincing, soojin watched as the man pulled away, his heavily hooded not leaving hers as they flicked between his mischievous irises. "are you trying to make me late?" her breathing was thick, palms clasping around his shoulders as he eyed her.

then, his lip quirked. "it's like you've known me my whole life."

there was a chuckle in his voice that made soojin sigh with the start of a smile. "shut up..." her chin fell to the side, "as much as i love it here, i really do need to go."

"cause taeyong's sister is waiting?"

the girl's smile turned shy. "cause her son is. i promised him we'd watch finding dory together."

yuta seemed taken aback, both by the fact that taeyong was an uncle and that soojin seemed to adore this kid. "what's his name?"

"taejoong." she hummed, too caught up in her cute adoration for the boy that she completely forgot the position she was currently in. yuta didn't seem to mind, she was clearly occupied.

"do you want kids?"

the question was so sudden soojin physically felt the air leave her lungs. like she was punched. her gaze fell towards their chests, mere inches apart from each other. "it's complicated..."

sensing her discomfort, the man backed off, literally and figuratively. he ran a hand through his grown-out hair, "i'm keeping you, sorry. i didn't mean to intrude."

soojin shook her head, hand grasping his in quick reassurance that she was fine. "no, it's okay. if anything you got my mind off of the rage. i'll call you."

"i'll be waiting."


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