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please read sixty-seven in case you haven't 😁 actually it isn't too important to the plot-

"you made it! you made it!" taejoong cheered as his round eyes landed on the ravenette in the doorway

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"you made it! you made it!" taejoong cheered as his round eyes landed on the ravenette in the doorway. he crawled off the couch and immediately made a beeline for her legs, hugging them as hard as he could upon seeing her. "i did!" soojin yelled back with the same enthusiasm, quick to pick the kid up and give him a proper hug.

"you made it, you made it!" a chuckle was heard from around the corner, and soojin looked up to see taerin approaching with a glass of murky liquid, a proud smile on her lips at her silly impersonation of her own son.

shaking her head, the ravenette safely positioned taejoong on her hip and approached his mom, giving her a quick, casual kiss on the cheek. "hey, mama."

"why do you call her mama?" the boy asked, his face scrunched in cute confusion. "she is my mommy."

taerin rolled her eyes, but her giggle was present. "and you're my baby," her free hand then began attacking him with tickles, the boy seizing with laughter in soojin's arms.

the tickles stopped when taerin heard the front door click, soojin following the woman's gaze towards the opening door. her jaw dropped in betrayal when taeyong arrived, a plushie in one hand and flavored beers in the other.

when the boy's eyes landed on the ravenette they narrowed. "what are you doing here!?"

"what are you doing here?"

"it's family pizza and movie night!" taeyong gawked, his voice filled with a betrayal of his own.

both younger's turned towards the woman who owned the place as she slowly poured herself a glass of wine, trying not to look suspicious.

"you had a 9 hour flight to canada and suddenly i'm replaced." the male pouted, face full of hurt.

"no, that's not true, you big baby."

"ha! i totally replaced you!" soojin poked, hugging taejoong tightly as the boy happily, and cluelessly, returned the gesture.

still frowning, taeyong sulked over to the couch and flung his lazy body onto it. "let's just watch this stupid movie for my beloved nephew who doesn't love me anymore."

the young boy wiggled in soojin's arms, and she placed him down so he could run up to and squish taeyong's face. "you're so cute, uncle yongie!"

after starting the film, taejoong sat between the women as he happily sipped his chocolate milk (it being the liquid in the glass taerin was carrying). taeyong was on the other couch, alone, eating dried sweet potatoes.

though he would never admit it, soojin could tell he missed hanging out with doyoung. especially when his nephew asked when "uncle doie" would be visiting him with sweets again.

"auntie jinnie?" soojin turned her head towards taejoong, the boy's eyes sparkling due to the bright tv screen. she hummed with a small smile and tilted his way. "do i need a daddy?"

shocked, the ravenette hesitated for a moment before softly shaking her head. "no? why, did someone say something?"

"no," taejoong beamed, "but jandi from school has two mommies! does that mean you're gonna be my mommy too?"

soojin blinked once. then twice. "well, i love your mommy, but i'm not in love with her. and you don't need a daddy," she clarified, gently pulling the tired boy onto her lap, "you have me and your uncle taeyong, and uncle kun, even uncle doie!"

"i like uncle doie." the boy smiled.

"me too," soojin declared. "i'm sure he'll come see you soon. now, let's get you ready for bed."


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