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Have you ever had a dream about a dead person? I had and it was not what I expected it to be...
Just a month ago, next day after my birthday my grandma died.
We were returning from our small trip from my sister's.
While my father was driving and my mom sat at the front seat while I was alone at the back, we got a news about my grandma that she was not feeling well.
My father was crying the whole way there, both me and my mom were trying to calm him down and tell him to stop the car as he was not in the state of driving but he didn't listen to us.
After we reached our hometown there were lots of people crying, screaming, it was all so uncomfortable and after watching my father seat beside my grandma (who was already dead before we reached) and started crying, I couldn't hold my tears any longer. The tears flow through my eyes on my cheek and down. My grandma was not that close to me but watching my father in that condition I couldn't control myself.
Even my brother was crying and I could see sweat on his forehead as he was the first person to found her dead.

That day was the worst day of my life.

And today in the morning I had this weird dream about her...

I heard my mom calling me from the second floor where we used to live before we moved down to the ground floor. I answered her and went in the direction of the stairs.

I was walking up the stairs and thinking about something. I saw the door was wide open I thought if someone was already inside even tho I knew my mom was inside.

As I reached the doorstep I saw a figure appearing in front of me. I was looking down trying to take my shoes off before entering the house and as I looked up at the figure I was shocked didn't knew what to say or what to do.

It was my grandma all good and healthy standing in front of me with a little weak smile on her face, she looked ok, she didn't looked like the last time I saw her, all weak and pale but instead fresh and fit. She was wearing a blue saree white golden border, it was my fav saree and I would always tell her to wear that one.

I looked her in the eye and I could see a little bit of sadness. Looking at her made me feel bad for her somehow.

With that week smile still pasted on her face she opened her mouth and said "I just wanted it." I was confused as the words flow through her mouth, still trying to understand what she was saying, I stared at her blankly.

Before I could ask her what she meant to say or say anything I was out of my dreamland and back to reality...

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