when the Mafia fell in love with you after the one night stand

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Joy : (on call) y/n!!! you are coming right?

Y/N : yeahh Joy..but can you text me the address of the party venue....

Joy : yup I'll text you the address but see to it that you reach exactly on time okay!!!

Y/N : yeahh don't worry..

Joy : okay fine bubye *hungs the call*

Time skip

I reached to the venue place where joy had thrown the party for everyone...

Joy : y/n ahhhh *shouts waving her hand*

Y/N : hey...wait why did you drink so much???

Joy : Just forget about it and enjoy y/n...here are the drinks have it...*she said and gave the glass to y/n*

I didn't wanted to drink but Joy forced me to drink so, I did as she said... but after drinking it I felt really good... It was like every tension of mine was fading away which was making me feel good... I went on the bar counter and drank the whole bottle.....which got me drunk...

I didn't know what I was doing and where I was going...I was not in my senses...I was just wandering here and there..and then I ended up going outside the party venue....

Taehyung :*on call* Jungkook I'm safe..  .prepare yourself and kill that person..I don't want him to be alive...

Jungkook : but taehyung we just can't kill anyone...what if it's not his fault and he is innocent..

Taehyung : I don't wanna hear your fucking excuses...So, just do as I say... otherwise you'll have to pay the consequences....

Jungkook : okay I'll do as you say.... just calm down..

Taehyung : Shut up..*hungs the call*

Taehyung is a person who doesn't even think twice before killing someone.... His anger is on next level......when he gets angry he doesn't care who's fault it is, he will never step back from killing that person...

Taehyung's pov
After I hung the call...I opened my rooms door to head out but as soon as I opened my door someone fell on me...and started hugging me like a psycho...I got angry and pushed her down..

She tried to stop me holding on my legs but I kicked her hands and went out...

When I reached out I don't know why...but I felt little guilty for leaving her alone in that state...

When I reached that place, where I had left her, I saw two man trying to take advantage of her situation...the time they started undressing her...I got really angry..."yaahhh!!!" I shouted and straight away  banged them on the floor... I was hitting them so badly that they were rarely able breath....

I took her inside my room and made her comfortable on my bed..... but this drank girl was kinda behaving weird.... She  kept on leaning on me and then  pulled me closer and kissed me.....

This situation was getting out of my control.... First I tried to hold in but then it was getting over control.... I couldn't control myself from kissing her back... lol I won't lie but the dress that she was wearing was really hot and sexy...

I started giving her hickey's..
Moan was left out from her mouth..

Taehyung's pov
I slowly undressed her looking at her naked body made me go more mad...I couldn't hold myself back that time I completely forgot what was I here for.... todays night will be the best night ever *smirks*

Next morning..

I woke up in a big shock...I don't remember what happened last night ...

I tried to think and then my eyes went to the person sleeping next to me who was naked like me...."but wait..what happened???..did we sleep together last night??..looks like we did...."

Taehyung || One Night Stand with a Mafia [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now