The haunted mystery

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Annie and I had been bored all day at school. As we wondered home, we decided to sneak into the old abandoned house at the edge of the forest. Although our parent had told us
not to go there, but we couldn't resist the temptation.
I am sure that you would have done the
same if you had seen this house?!
We entered the haunted house, and at the moment the air around us got cold. The house had been abandoned for more then a decade. Everything was covered in dust and spider
Annie was walking behind me because she was afraid.
-'' We should leave'' she said.
-'' I am not leaving yet.'' I replied.
Annie then turned to the door and looked over her shoulder at me.
-''I am too scared, I am leaving without you. I would not stay here any minute more.'' She said and she walks out the door.
I was left alone in a house where I didn't feel welcome. I started exploring this foreign territory. I saw a picture of some people, I guess they were owners, who disappeared without a trace many years ago. Unfortunately, so much is known about them.
I started exploring the ground floor, I didn't find anything. I went upstairs, but found nothing but the attic door. Of course I went up to the attic, wouldn't you have done the same?
I entered the attic, there was nothing but old furniture, a picture of the same woman I saw on the ground floor, and something not very clear. I got closer to the object, it was a Ouija board and 4 candles.
I dusted of the Ouija board and put it on the floor. I also lit the candles. I sat down on the floor and began moving the planset 3 times in circles. But nothing happened. I tried again, and this time when I asked if somebody was here the planset moved to ''YES''.
I was scared, but I asked who I was talking to. At that moment the picture from the wall fell.
I asked ''You are the woman in the picture?''
The planset moved to ''YES''.
'' Did you owned this house?''
The planset for the second time goes to ''YES''.
I asked why she's still here, she answered shortly:
I said I will listen to her, and at that moment the cold air in the room returned to the original temperature.
She started telling me how her husband killed her when she was 39 years old and that her body is buried in the back garden of the house under a tree she planted. I asked about the picture I saw on the ground floor. Apparently the picture was token a week before she died, and in the
picture were her friends. Her husband was not found. She kept telling stories, so I let her tell her story , but after a while she said ''DONE''.
I asked if she could rest in peace now. She replied ''YES''.
This was the story of Sarah the former owner of the house I was in at the time.
I closed the session by pulling the planset on Goodbye , and exthinguished the candles. I put everything in their place, even the picture. After that I went home, pretending that this incident did not exist.
I thought that would be the end of the story, I was wrong. After that incident, I was still thinking about her and her story. Something was not clear. Maybe the fact that I told Sarah's story
helped her, but I wasn't content with just that, I wanted more, I wanted her husband to pay for what he did, so I promised to myself that I will find him, no matter how or how long it would
The first question that came to my mind was ,, Why didn't anyone call the police when they found Sarah's body? And the only answer that is logical is that her husband buried her because
he regretted killing her, and so no one could have evidence to lead him the murderer. He disappeared the same night the murder took place.
I didn't know anyone who knew Sarah or her husband. So after 2 weeks I went back to where it all started.
I reach the front door of the house of terror, take a deep breath and enter the house.
I go straight to the attic , prepare the Ouija board and the list of questions I wanted answered.
I told Sarah what I want to do and she was happy about that, so I started questioning her. I started with basic questions.
"What is your last name?" I asked her.
"Copper" she replied.
" What was your husband name?"
After a long time she replied " Ben."
That means I need to find somebody named Ben Copper who had a wife named Sarah Copper. I asked Sarah my last question for now, and that was:
" Why your husband killed you?"
"He was angry because we lost our jobs so we didn't had money anymore, in that night when he killed me he was angry and drunk, so he started hitting me, I was scared and try to ran away.
But when I got to the door he stabbed me with a knife. He regretted what he had done so he buried me and ran away." she replied
I was right after all, he regretted killing his wife so he ran away, it's a sad story, and another proof that money can make people crazy.
I took my things and went home, into my room, which was now my detective's office, and I started re-examining the information I already had. After re-examining them, the best solution for finding information was the internet, more precisely a site with missing persons.
I searched his name, and I couldn't believe my eyes, I found him, the same name, the same time of disappearances, I saw a new information, he was found 2 years ago, dead in the river outside
of town.
I took the paper out to the printer and went back to the house of horror. I showed Sarah the paper, she thanked me, and she could finally rest.
My whole investigation lasted almost 3 weeks, because I was busy going to high school at the same time.
I am glad I was able to help Sarah. Who would have thought that from a simple curiosity, I could reach a mystery like this.

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