The Beginning...DUN DUN DUN

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*With the power of fanfiction we shall start off after the opening song hehehehe*

I strutted to my throne only to find my "trusty" advisor sitting there pretending to be the empress. "The nerve of those peasants, huh." She nodded and realized it was me who spoke. "You're doing my job again, for the tenth time this week. What's up with that Yzma?" She quickly stood up and brushed off the seat of my throne.

"I was just uh taking care of a few minor problems, no major harm done." Oh wow her excuses are worse than her- oh anyway back to the story......

I looked at her unamused, "In other words, doing my job."

*Not even ten seconds later*

"Uh your highness, the village leader and his co-leader are here to see you."

"Oh great! Send them in. Oh and by the way Yzma, you're fired."

Oh great now she's going to be dramatic, does she ever stop blabbering?

"It's okay, everyone hits their stride. You just hit yours fifty years ago." Nice one Y/n you're absolutely amazing. Thanks self you too........ *Cough cough*

"But I-" She never quits...

"Goodbye Yzma, I'll see you later or something like that." With that she storms off with Kronk trailing behind her. Such a shame he had to go with her, he was such a nice lad.

*Fast forward to the part of y/n telling the guys about the village, brought to you by Y/n*

"So here's the deal Mr. Green poncho and Mr. Handsome."

"Uh my name is Pacha and this is Kuzco." He interrupted me, how rude.

"Yeah okay Pacha, you see I'm going to need your hilltop, for science reasons."

"Excuse me Miss but why do you need our hilltop?" Kuzco, I think is his name, stepped closer.

"My name is Y/n but you can call me anytime, hot stuff. Actually you can call me wife because I think I'm choosing you as my suitor."

Kuzco, flattered by my statement, looked away with a slight blush.

Pacha then ruined the moment (again I might add).

"But what are you doing with it?"

I picked up my model of my summer get away home and smashed it on the hilltop. "Boom baby! Make way for the summer home! It's got everything I could ever dream of! It's also my birthday gift to me, I'm so happy."

Yadda yadda yadda they were confused blah blah angry boo hoo don't  care. The guards then grabbed them by the arms. "Tomorrow after my birthday celebration your little town will go bye-bye. Bye-bye!" On my word two guards took Pacha and escorted him out, the others kept Kuzco here on my command.

"Wait- why am I still here?"

"Oh silly did you already forget? You're going to be my husband!"

Annnnnd that ends it for now, ngl I made myself dislike Empress Y/n BUT (it was my wedding day) she will get better hehehehehe bye peeps

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