The Surprise

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Today's the first ultrasound, the first time I'll get to see my son/daughter, the first time I'll get to hear his/her heartbeat. If you can't tell I'm hoping it's a boy.
Erin and I have been trying to figure out the name of our baby. So far we have; for a boy, Walker Ray Zimmer; for a girl Lindsay Michelle Zimmer. They aren't the best, but we love them, so that's all that matters.
The appointment was scheduled for 4:45. Erin was still getting ready at 4:40 and it takes 20 minutes to get to the hospital, including traffic.
"Erin we gotta go" I called up the stairs.
Erin's still been going to school, she's gotten a bunch of crap from everyone about her pregnancy. But I've been by her side through everything, I make sure they don't hurt her, physically or emotionally. She's already emotional enough. But there's only 6 weeks left of school, so she doesn't have to take that crap much longer.
Erin came down the stairs in a super loose shirt and yoga pants, her usual attire since she started getting a baby bump. She thinks she's super fat now, even though she's so adorable with her baby bump. Makes me so proud that she's mine, that they're mine.
"Ready?" She asked stopping at the end of the stairs.
"Have been for half an hour" I replied smiling and kissing her forehead. I grabbed the keys "let's go"
We got in the car, I helped her in her side. She's still able to sit fine, but she wants to get ready for when she can't. She's the only woman in history that's ever done that, but hey, it's what she wants, so I give it to her. I try to give her whatever she wants, she's still living with her parents, but after the first 2 months, she insisted that I live closer, so I talked to our parents and I moved into her guest room. Even though most nights I stay in her room, just in case she ever needs me in the middle of the night, she doesn't have to get up.
I walk to the other side of the car and get in the driver side. I turn the car on and smile at Erin.
"What?" She said looking at me crazy.
"Nothing" I reply "just excited"
To be honest, at first I wasn't completely thrilled that Erin got pregnant, but as time progressed I started to love the thing growing in the love of my life. Now I can't wait to hold him/her in my arms.
It took a while longer than it should have to get to the hospital, the traffic was horrible. We went to the front desk and gave them our name. Apparently, Dr. Ellis wouldn't take any other patients until we got there, so she took us right away.
"It's going to take a minute to set up the machine, so you can just lay down on this" she told Erin, gesturing to the table by multiple machines. Erin sat down and layed back, just watching the doctor go to work. She started plugging in machines and attaching things and pushing buttons, she was doing so many things at once I got dizzy and had to sit down.
"Okay, we're ready to get started" she finally said. I stood up, walked over to Erin, and grabbed her hand giving it a light squeeze.
Dr. Ellis lifted Erin's shirt half way up just exposing her baby bump.
"This is going to be cold" she said as she squeezed this blue gel on Erin's stomach. She got this device hooked up to a monitor and started rubbing it over Erin's stomach. "That's it right there" she said pointing at what looked like a peanut on the screen.
"That's your child" she said. I looked at Erin an smiled so hugely I thought my face was going to fall off.
"Ummm. How long have you been pregnant exactly?" Dr. Ellis asked
"About 8 weeks. Why?" Erin said concern lacing her voice.
"By the looks of this, you've been pregnant for at least 12 weeks now" she said smiling at us. I looked at Erin she seemed upset.
"What does that mean?" I asked looking at the doctor.
"It just means we can figure out the gender today instead of in a few weeks of you'd like" she smiled turning back to the monitor.
I smiled at Erin, she nodded so I told Dr. Ellis to go ahead and tell us.
"Okay," she said "just give me a few to get completely ready." She went around and hooked up a few more machines and got a different gel.
"Okay. I'm ready." She wiped Erin's stomach off with an antiseptic wipe and put the new gel in the place of the old one.
"You ready?" She asked Erin and I.
We looked at each other and nodded towards the doctor "We're ready" I said squeezing Erin's hand.
Doctor Ellis swiveled the same device over Erin's stomach and we could hear the steady thump thump of our unborn child's heart.
Doctor Ellis looked at the monitor intently, I sensed something wrong.
"Everything okay?" I asked concerned.
"One second, I think I see something else." She responded, getting closer to the screen.
"What is it?" Erin asked squirming a little.
"Just lie still, everything's fine." Doctor Ellis said. "But dad you might want to come look at this" she said gesturing towards me and smiling. I walked over and she nodded at the screen.
I looked at the monitor for a second, not seeing what was so important. Then I saw it, it shocked me at first but then I got excited. It was the most amazing thing in this world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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