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An early morning

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An early morning

A girl woke up from her sleep

Girl:It's 7:00 already i need to get ready

She quickly stood up and left to freshen up

She came out completely ready and left for her college

She was studying first year of college

She came downstairs and no one was there

Everyone was still asleep in the house

Girl:Good Morning!

But there was no response she wiped the tears which were coming from her eyes

She took her car and went to the college

She entered the classroom and the entire surrounded her

Sm:Hiii Avneet !

Sm2: How are you dear?

Sm3:We love you so much

Avu:Thanks guys

She said did a fake smile and left to her place

She know they show so much affection towards her just cause she was the topper

No one ever loved her truly

But before she used to have 2 best friends but they also left her cause of their busy schedules

She used to sit all alone in the class and even in her home

If anyone comes to her then they need something from her

It was normal for Avneet

Avneet again sat at her place again alone she heard some voice



Sm:I'm Reem, a new student. What's your name?

Avu:oh nice. I'm Avneet

Reem:Pretty name and pretty girl


Reem:Waise can u sit with you please

Avu: Yeah! Sure

Reem and Avneet sat together

Avu:Where are you from?

Reem:Oh I'm from here only i used to learn in a different college but it was closed suddenly so I came here


Reem:Would you like to be my friend?


Reem smiled Avneet also replied with same

They started talking and laughing with each other until the class ended

 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 // 𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒕 Where stories live. Discover now