Save the Finger

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Karasuno volleyball 3rdyrs Farewell party.

The party is being held at Older Coach Ukai's place.
As the team Captain, Yams is helping out with the kitchen duty, even tho his underclassmen told him not to. What to do? He is a responsible & loving team Captain.
On the outside grill, Hinata & Kageyama are again on their usual "competition" on who can grill the tastiest pork.
Back inside the kitchen Tsukki went to get some ice from the fridge, and at the perfect moment Yams hurt himself from clumsily cutting the veggies.

New manager: Are you ok Captain?

Yams: yeah im fine, its just a small cut.

✨ Tsukki to the Rescue✨

Tsukki: Dont worry,  ill take care of him. Do you have the medicine kit? Just give it to me in the next room. Please take this outside too. (Giving her the tub of ice) Thanks.

Tsukki then grabbed Yams by the wrist (gently) and took him to the next room (living room) evryone else are outside, its just the two of them. Then their manager came in with the medicine kit.
Tsukki thanked her & taking her leave, leaving the two of them.

Yams took a seat in one of the higher chairs inside (like a bar stool) so Tsukki adjusted to his position and bent down on one knee to fix Yams injured finger (specifically the ring finger)

Tsukki is too quite so Yams tried to humor him.

Yams: Seriously, Tsukki? This is your way of "proposing" to me? In here? In our farewell party? How lame of you Tsukki. Hahaha

Tsukki: Shut up, Yamaguchi.

Yams: Gomen, Tsukki. 😅

Tsukki gave him a death glare, now Yams is scared for his life.

Yams: I was just joking Tsukki, 😅 im sorry.

After finishing up his cut with a band aid, Tsukki then stands up and took another band aid and silently wrapped his own finger. Automatically Alerted. Yams grabbed Tsukki's hand and inspect them if he have cuts too.

Yams: Are you hurt too?

Now, both standing a bit TOO CLOSE to each other, HOLDING each other's hands.
Tsukki  then leans closer to Yams and whispered in his ear.

*pointing a Yams injured finger

With what Tsukki said, Yams turned to his "strawberry" face again.
With a victorious smile curved up Tsukki's lips he turned his back to Yams and said

"Besides, i think we are ALREADY MARRIED."
Showing off his "matching" band aid ring to his own hands.


----- the end ------

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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