Takumi Ichinose X OC (Hiyori) Lemon

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After breaking up with her boyfriend at the restaurant she went home. As Hiyori was walking in the busy streets she accidentally bumps into someone chest "I'm sorry about that." She bowed down. "That's quite alright it was an accident, right?" She looked up hearing it was a familiar voice and saw it was Takumi Ichinose. "Hiyori is that you?" He said. "Oh it's you Takumi?" she said with a smile on her face. "So what are you doing here dress like that?" he asks her. "I was on a date." She was trying to hold a smile up and trying not to frown. "I see." He said lighting up a cigarette. "I better get going." she said. She was beginning to walk away then suddenly she was stop by Takumi holding her shoulder. "Hiyori, something happen on your date, didn't it?" Takumi read her like a book. "Yeah something did." She sighed sadly. "Why don't you tell me about it at my place?" He smiles at her. "But aren't you worry that the paparazzi might see us and make up fake stories about us?" she said nervously. "Not really." he shrugs his shoulders. Hiyori was still not sure, but before she could give him her answer he wraps is arm around her shoulder. "Shall we?" He said. The both of them then began to walk together to his place.

At His Place:

It's been a long time since Hiyori sets foot in his home. He led her to the living room "Take a seat." He said politely. She did as told and took a seat on the coach. "Where is Hachi?" she asked for her old roommate she uses to share with along with Nana.

"She went to go hang out with her friend Nana." He said while heading to the kitchen.

"Oh." She simple said. About five minutes later he returns with a cup of tea with a small plate underneath it. He handed over to her "Thank you, but you really shouldn't have trouble yourself." She said. "Don't worry, you're the guest and besides I'll be a really lousy host if I didn't." he said while taking a seat next to her on the coach. She took a sip of her tea and wanted to ask Takumi if Hachi is doing well because she is pregnant. "How is Hachi doing?" Hiyori asks "She's doing fine." "So it's already been about nine month, I bet your excited that you're going to become a father really soon." "Yeah, I guess. But about what happen to you on your date." Hiyori was wondering to herself why Takumi seems to be more concern about her and not really caring that he's going to be a father soon.

"Well, do you remember that I've been dating this guy for about nine month already? About the same time as Hachi moved out to be with you."

"Yeah, I remembered him." Takumi had an annoyance tone in his voice. He started to light up a cigarette and smoke it.

"Is something wrong?" She said in concern.

"No, please continue." He tries to reassure her and took another smoke of his cigarette.

"It started when he took me to a restaurant today. As we were eating I realize that I didn't and never really loved him like a girlfriend should love her boyfriend. So after we finished eating I broke up with him. He was a decent, polite, and well groomed kind of guy, but I just thought the two of us weren't going to work out together anymore." she took a sip of her tea and places it back on the small plate and puts it gently on the coffee table that was in front of her.

"Don't worry your still very young. You'll find the right guy." He said while putting out his cigarette in the ash tray. "Maybe, but if I do find the right guy I hope he will be someone like you." "Seriously someone like me, why?" he said as if she was really bluffing about it.

"Why not? I can talk to you about almost anything and for some reason I feel really content whenever I'm around you. We also have a lot of things in common for one example we both love playing music even though you play the bass and I play the piano and cello. Another reason I'm happy to be around you could also be that whenever I feel sad you're always trying to cheer me up. Also you make me feel special."

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