Nice and Strong

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Ok I got the email

Baby Daddy
With the gender of Baby B?

And another with all the ultrasound pictures

And another with all the ultrasound pictures

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Baby Daddy
Baby B is getting huge

Oh trust me I know

Baby Daddy
Still kicking?

Nice and strong

Baby Daddy
I wish I could come to you right now

I wish you were here too

Baby Daddy
So are we finding out the gender or do we want to wait?

I don't know if I can wait another 20 weeks

Baby Daddy
Ok good because I can't wait either

Do you want to find out together or should I surprise you?

Baby Daddy
Hm, I think we should find out together

You better get home fast then

Baby Daddy
Amore, I'll be home as fast as possible
After we find out, can we post it?
I want everyone to know that you're pregnant so we can go back in public

We can
because I miss those stupid eggs from your favorite breakfast place

Baby Daddy
And you didn't even want to try them
Hm, remember that?

It's the baby
Baby B craves things that you like too

Baby Daddy
Is Baby B also craving Mickey Ice cream bars
because then I'll stop at the store

And delay finding out Baby B's gender?
No, we have one more left here we can share

Baby Daddy
Alright alright
I'll be home soon mi amore

Mhm, be careful
I love you

Baby Daddy
I love you more

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