Chapter Seven

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Fluttershy. That was the first thing he thought of the minute he woke up. So that makes the second morning in a row.

Raph let out a groan of frustration and rolled over burying his face in his pillow.

What the heck was wrong with him?! Why was it that know matter how hard he tried he was always thinking about her. Her hair. Her eyes. Her voice. The way she spoke so softly. And the way he felt when she hugged him...

He tightened his fist. Great, he's still doing it!

Man, he hated her. He wished that she never showed up in the first place. None of these ridiculous feelings he had would have happened. And he wouldn't feel so weak.

But instead he was lying in his bed daydreaming about how beautiful she was.

His eyes widened.

Did he just think.....he did.

He pulled himself up angrily letting out a growl. He sat at the side of his bed, scowling.

That's it. All this had to stop. It had caused nothing but trouble for him. He had to push this feelings away as much as he could.

Just then he noticed a smell in the air. He sniffed. It smelled like....pancakes?

Okay what was going on?

He got up and made his way in the kitchen where he found Fluttershy preparing breakfast.

As soon as she spotted him she stood up putting her hands behind her while taking a step back with her head lowered in her shy manor.

Adorable. That was the first thing he thought.

He clenched his teeth. The emotional war in his mind raged on.

"What the heck are you doing?" He asked her suddenly.

Fluttershy jumped at his hard comment. She began to shrivel away even more.

Another thought of her innocent appearance came to his mind, which only made him the more angry. "Are you just going to sit there or answer my question?!" he said harder.

Fluttershy began to fiddle with her hair.
"I-I was..." She uttered with quivering lips.

Raphael was getting impatient. Mostly because... it was kinda cute the way she sheepishly spoke. And he couldn't stand it.

He aggressively snapped his fingers in her face. "Hello! Earth to Freak-Show! Seriously, can't you talk?!" Yeah, it was a bit out of line, but he didn't care.

Fluttershy covered her mouth with her palm and hid behind her hair.

But Raph wasn't quite done yet. "Gee, is all you do is snoop around in other people's stuff?!"

She didn't answer, she just continued to hide her face behind her hair.

"First Spike, now the kitchen! What else do you plan on doing, Horse-girl?!"

At that moment Fluttershy finally looked up at him. Although her other eye was curtained by her soft pink hair he could clearly see the tears streaming down her face.

All of a sudden, Raph felt like he was shot through the heart. His sudden anger turned into sudden guilt. For some reason the sight of her crying made him want to curl up in a hole and die. A sudden thought of him pulling her into his arms came to mind.

What was going on?! He'd rather those other stupid feelings about her hair eyes, then this feeling any day.

Suddenly a orange masked turtle jumped in! "Do I smell pancakes!" He said enthusiastically.

Fluttershy quickly wiped away her tears and Raph took the opportunity to escape the room.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape the horrible feeling.


Later that day, Fluttershy curled up in the couch and gently sobbed into her arms.

She didn't understand. What did she do wrong? She tried so hard to show kindness, to turn the other cheek. And yet he still slapped her.

Why did he hate her so much? Why would he said such horrible things when she was only trying to be hospitable? What did she ever do to him?

So many questions raged through her mind. None with reasonable answers. (she didn't, of course think that he could possibly like her and the feelings were causing him turmoil.)

She thought of him getting what he deserved. A little taste of his own medicine. Let him be shrunken down to the size of a flea.

Although the thought was tempting, she knew she could never do it. She was the Element of Kindness and she knew that the worst kinds of people needed kindness the most.

So no, even though she thought he deserved a taste of his own medicine, she will continue to be kind and turn the other cheek.

Even if she had to brace herself for another slap.

So so so so so sorry I haven't updated in a while!
You people don't understand how busy I am.
Isn't it horrible that Raph was being such a jerk! 😡 But he was only acting that way because of his crush on Fluttershy so😍😃😊

Anyway the next chapter is already planned up so don't worry the little tension between the two of them won't last forever...😏

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