1. Stadium

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So, finally we're there" your best friend says after she stopped the car engine. You open your car belt and step out of the car. "So Anna tell me, why are we here again?" You complain. "Y/n, I already told you, I have to get my boyfriends wallet that he lost over here." She puts the break on the car, steps out and walks towards the back of the car. "Yes, I know, but why are WE here, couldn't your boyfriend just get his wallet himself?" You look at your phone and check the the time. "Its almost 8 pm, we have to be at the party in 45 minutes and its over an 30 minutes to drive." You continue complaining. "Look I know, my boyfriend isn't the smartest person so now and then, but he cannot drive back to the stadium without his drivers license." Anna says. She opens the back of the car and grabs her purse out of there. "Besides that, you like soccer right you even play it yourself, so why don't you just enjoy the stadium and maybe get yourself a drink or something?". She says.

You look at the stadium. It sure isn't an ugly stadium. "Yeah I like the stadium and I love to play and watch soccer, but there isn't a match going on so..." you walk with her towards the entrence with 'signal igduna park' spelled above it. "Well, you like watching this club right? What is it called, borus dortsomething?" Anna says. You laugh out loud and smile at her. You knew your best friend wasn't a big soccer fan or watcher, but she was always trying her best to remember the things that you like so you wouldn't blame her for not knowing. "Yeah almost right, haha" you bully her. "It's Borussia Dortmund." you say. "Ahh so I was completely right." Anna jokes. "Yeah, if the club had 'something' in the name you would be." You say jokingly. You both laugh and walk towards the ticket counter.

"Hello there, what are you young ladies doing here in the evening?" A friendly old mans voice comes from behind the counter. You both look through the window of the ticket counter and see a man in a blue janitor suit looking at you two. It looks like he was holding a broom and cleaning up the ticket counter room. "Hello, we are here because of a lost wallet." Anna says. "Okay, and whose of your wallets is it if I may ask?" the man walks closer to the window and inspects the two of you. He puts his broom against the wall and looks at you and Anna. "Well, actually, its not one of our wallets, its my boyfriends wallet. He accidentally left it over here." Anna says. "Ah okay, did he tell you when exactly he lost his wallet?" The janitor asked. "Uhm I don't know exactly, I think he lost it during todays match." Anna says. "Ah so he lost it during the last match, well then you have a big chance of his wallet still being here, because there hasn't been many people in the stadium since." He says. He looks at some papers in front of him. "What are your names if I may ask?" He grabs a pen and a paper and start to write something down. You try to look at what he is writing down, but couldn't make anything out of his scribbly letters. "My name is Anna and this is Y/N." Anna says. The man continued writing and looked back at the two of you. "Okay, and what is your boyfriends name?" He asked. "Derek Forgetville" You say, trying to tease Anne. Anne gives you a bump against your shoulder and quickly responds: "No sir, its Derek Fortville". The man looks back at his paper and writes down something that looks like Derek Fortville. He puts down his pen: "I'll see what I can do." The man turns around and walks through the door on the other side of the room and leaves the ticket counter room.

You try to look at where the man is going and look back at Anna: "I hope he finds it, because we're already late and it's getting pretty cold." You cross your arms and start to shiver. Anna nods: "Yeah, I'm happy if we're there, the thought of sitting in a warm room, drinking some alcohol gives me shivers right now." Anna also crosses her arms and pulls out her phone out of her jacket: "Well, we're already late if we leave now, I'll message Helen and keep her up to date." She opens whatsapp and starts typing. You hear some footsteps entering the room and look up. It was the man entering the ticket counter room: "Well I can't find it in the lost-and-found office." The man reaches for his pocket and walks towards some sort of locker. He unlocks the locker and grabs a giant set of keys out it. "Wait a second ladies, I'll come back in a minute." He walks back through the door and leaves the room again. Anna sighs: "I hope no one took Dereks wallet from where ever he left it." You look at her: "I don't know, it could be, but I also don't hope so." A couple of minutes later, the both of you hear a metallic sound next to you. You both try to figure out what it is and see the man standing on the other side of the iron fence. He has the keys from the locker in his hands and opens the gate. "If you're fast, I can take a look with you inside the stadium for your boyfriends wallet." The man offers. "But first, you'll have to do me a favor ." You follow him through some alleys and walk towards the mainfield. wow its so big, on tv everything looks so different. I can't believe this. The man points at the goal in the far distance: "The two guys on the field need some extra soccer balls. Since one of them keeps shooting them over the goal" Two guys wearing something that looks like a dortmund shirt were shooting at the goal. The man sighs:"Its a long walk for an old man like me and my hip is also not allowing me to walk that much without having pain, so would one of you ladies be so kind to bring this net of balls towards them?" Anna looks at you: "Well, I think I will go with the man to find Dereks wallet, you wouldn't mind to bring the balls right." she winks at you. You let out a little smile, but try to hide your excitement for the man. "Yeah I could do that, no problem." You say. The man hands you over the net of balls: "Well then that's settled, you go deliver those balls and the other lady goes with me to find her boyfriends wallet. The man turns around, his head facing the field. "HAALAND, BELLINGHAM" The man yells at the guys. Oh my god, I have to deliver the balls to Erling Haaland and Jude Bellingham? Wow... Im speechless. You see the two guys turning turn around. Haaland was about to shoot the last ball they had and right before he kicks the ball he turns around to see where the noise was coming from. Bellingham also turns around looks confused:" Yeah whatsup?". The man waves at them:"Your soccer balls are on the way!" The man yells. Bellingham puts his hand up and gives the man a thumbs up gesture. "Well, I would be fast if I was you, because as you can see, they don't have many balls left." The man opens the final gate to the field and there you stand, on the same field with two of the best soccer players around. Erling Haaland and Jude Bellingham.

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