The Darkness Within

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A/N: *****WARNING***** This story is dark and can be taken several different ways. I leave that up to you, the reader, to decide the meaning.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment! And if you'd like to know what I think this story means, ask away!


That's all this place was.

No matter the amount of flame I had, the shadows were always there. Watching. Waiting.

An other-worldly feeling brushed against my shoulder as I hurried through the dark corridor, racing to make it to the large, wooden door at the end. But each step grew heavier, as if the force of gravity pushed harder. My pace weakened.

It was a curse. One that none of us could escape from. A spell that kept the sun from ever shining through the windows of the large manor house.

No matter how hard we tried, the end was always the same. And the punishments more disturbing.

It wasn't always like this here. This manor had once been a beacon to the world, a safe haven for anyone that needed an escape. A refuge from the horrors of life.

Now, I wouldn't wish this fate upon my worst enemy. And what was worse...

...I was the cause of this eternal darkness.

Metal groaned, the rusted iron hinges of the large wooden door begging to be fixed. My head throbbed, a steady pounding that added to the music in the dark. The bass sounded once, as the door cracked against the dark stone wall of the basement. Then it went silent, save for the pressure in my head.

I didn't dare move as the shadows slid across my back, bare from my last punishment. I cursed the shiver that wracked my body as the cool air blew across my neck, causing the iron shackles around my wrists to shake and rattle.

This shadow was familiar to me. I could feel its smile as it twisted its wispy fingers into my auburn hair to pull my head back. My eyes closed of their own accord to avoid the glowing eyes I knew would be waiting.

Some said their's glowed red. Others said their shadows had none.

Mine were the deepest amber, like the fire that took my family from me. Hauntingly beautiful, but utterly dangerous. Just as the flames that burned me, day and night.

With a hiss, the fingers slipped free and it was gone. The stone wall was strikingly cool against my heated brow as I let my head fall forward in relief. Any punishment was better than the shadow's presence.

A strangled cry from the boy next to me made me clench my fists in anger. I didn't have to look to know his shadow had him in its grasp. Claws scraped down the stone between us and I shied away from the sound.

Many people had suffered within these walls. I'd lost count of those that lost the fight, even though we were forced to gather to watch each pass by. Some were lucky enough to go without pain, but most were not.

This boy would be the next one down the line.

No one knew where the bodies were taken. Or even if their souls were able to depart. They were alive, then dead and gone. That was all that was left here.

A final, mangled cry left the boy's lips before he was silenced. His chains clamored to the ground as his shadow swiped its claws through them. Silenced reigned once more, louder than my thundering heart.

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