"No one cares about me"

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Owens POV

I am the leader aren't I? I help everyone and tell them what to do. Well that makes it sound like I'm a tyrant. I make sure that there following the rules and not burning or breaking anything. That's no better you get my point right? I help them, I make sure that their all safe and this is how they repay that respect? By lying to me, by misleading me and not showing respect? I'm done.

I head over to the gate. The one thing I'm supposed to be the leader of is the maze. I mean not anymore. I quit, if they can't care about me and let me lead them then they don't even need a leader.

My train of though is interrupted when I bumped into someone. I look to see who it was.

"Oh Owen I didn't see you there" I hear the person I bumped into say.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings" I reply. Wait why am I apologizing? I don't care anymore.

"Yeah that's fine, shouldn't have been running. Oh wait Red said he needed you said something about meeting plans and to head back to him when I find you." Graecie says.

Oh, yeah. Meeting plans, doesn't the leader take care of that? "Graecie I'm not a leader anymore. I can't handle how everyone's treating me."

"W-What? Owen what are you talking about. You can't. Owen they need you I.. need.. you." Graecie says trying to make me stay.

"Graecie I've made up my mind. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. To be a leader means that you have to have respect to that person. And no one respects me here. They're always lying to me. No one cares about me. And if you get a new leader and they start to care about them then that will just prove my point. That no one in the clearing cares about me." I exclaimed

"Owen they do care for you I care for you please Owen you can't do this to me I need you they need you. You may not-"

I interrupt her, "Graecie just stop"

"Owen please" I hear Graecie saying as I walked away. As I stand in front of the gate I think 'what's the point in even pulling the lever? No one does it anyway. But what if No I'm not, they didn't care enough to pull their levers so I won't pull mine.

~Time skip~

No one's pov

"Where is he? He should be back by now right?" Magic says worriedly.

"Magic calm down he might not even be in the maze. He could be anywhere, why would he be in the maze? He said he doesn't want anyone else to go in by their self." Graecie says.

"No one's seen him sense he was heading towards to maze. He has to be in there." Magic exclaims.

A few minutes pass and the doors start to close. Everyone looks at each other with regret. Owen was dead, no one survives a night in the maze. Well Mohwee did but that was without the creature roaming around at night.

"Welp we loved the old guy but he's dead now. And he's not our only problem. Who is going to tell Apo about this?" Mohwee says very bluntly.

No one answers. A few minutes go by. Magic and Rasbi are still crying and most likely won't be able to talk to anyone for a few days. Eventually Guts is the one to speak up breaking the deadly silence that seemed to fill the air. "I will, I'm the prison guard so I'd have to tell him anyway."

Graecie looks up. "I'll tell him as well. At least it's someone that he has always known. And I can comfort him if Apo breaks down."

Apos POV

The prisons not that bad once you get used to it. Eventually the voices make it worth while.

I hear metal clanging against metal. Someone's coming? Or am I fully mad?

"Yep he's just down here Graecie and then you can tell him the news." I can hear someone saying. Most likely Guts.

I hear my prison cell being opened. I look at who it was it was Graecie. "Oh hello Graecie." Is she here to tell me that what everyone else who comes here tells me? That I'm useless and better off dead.

"Hello Apo, I have some bad news. Owen is" her voice breaks "Owen's in the maze." What why did he go into the maze? He "it's night time isn't it?" I ask. Please let it be day. "Apo it's been a while, the nights passed he's trapped inside the maze.

Flashback to when morning came

Rasbi and Magic stayed by the gate all night. Neither of them got much sleep. When they heard the gate opening they both jumped up and stood in front of it.

As soon as the gates open Rasbi screams. It wakes the entire clearing.

Red, Mohwee, and Graecie are the first to show up.

Red takes a look in the maze "wait so did Owen just pull a Mohwee?" Red asks

Mohwee sighs "ugh Owens dead"

Back to the present

"Apo I'm sorry this has to be hard on you" Graecie tries to say.

Apo looks at Guts and then back at Graecie one thing on his mind. 'Is Rasbi ok? She looks up to Owen as if he's her older brother/dad so she can't be taking this well.' "Um Graecie, can you calm down? Is Rasbi ok? Can I help search for Owen? Does everyone blame this on me? How is everyone reacting?"

Graecie looks at Guts with concern in her face. Guts sighs "Apo"

Owens POV

It turned night way to fast. I still had 20 minutes. I'll just hang out in the area where the gate is and just wait for it to open. Then everything will be ok and I can apologize for being so harsh and everything will go back to normal.


as I run I think about my friends. They'll never find my body. Good, that means that they'll never have to see how weak I was. Wait a minute don't I have YEAH I have dynamite I can blow this thing up!

I turn around, lit the dynamite and ran. Even as I heard the explosion I don't stop. Only when I can't run no more do I stop. I turn around. The griever isn't there.

I start to head back. As I get closer and closer to the clearing I think about what I'll say. "Hey guys I'm still alive! Luckily. Also I blew up the griever so that's nice. Sorry I ran off."

Yeah, they won't care anyway. Should I even go back? There's still people that care about me in there right? Right!?

What would they think. My friends do they still care for me? Yeah of course they care for me. I'm Owen for heavens sake. I'm the father of the clearing. I care for everyone make sure that they're not up to something bad.

I help them. They like me don't they? Magic likes me right? Or are they all tricking me.. that is something they could do. I mean Apo lied to me, we found out Beks is the one that killed everyone from clearing two yet they don't lock her up.

When I arrive at where the gate should be. Wait no no no the walls back! "NO PLEASE NO NOT NOW" I scream.

After an hour of screaming I give up. What's the point.

I slide down the wall to where I'm sitting. Maybe it'll open back up. At least I'll be right here for them. Then they can scream at me all they want. Unless I'm dead then they can just bury me. I'm so tired, I'm tired of the running off, all of the lying.


The last thing I think about before I passed out was


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