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It was finally nightfall when she decided to return to the villa where Vader was waiting. [Name] stood near the bridge and watched the shadow of his darkly cloaked figure as he gazed through the window toward the lake.

Instantly she felt his pull. It was as though he planted a voice in her head...his voice.

The villa was dark and the staff apparently had gone for the night. Under a spell of some kind she drifted across the grassy hill and climbed the crumbling stone staircase to its entrance.

She pushed the door open and dropped her luggage on the tile floor.

[Name] looked around. Had she imagined the silhouette in the window? The pull, the voices in her head? She sighed.

Perhaps so.

[Name] dragged her suitcase up the stairs and pushed opened the door to her room. It was late and Vader was probably asleep. In the few days she spent with him he went to bed early.

[Name] showered quietly in an adjoining bath, hoping not to disturb his hyperbaric rest.

She toweled herself dry and found a gown to sleep in. She silently mulled over the selection. The villa was cool, with a breeze from the lake blowing through the windows. But she chose a sheer tan colored gown.

[Name] slipped it over her body then slid into bed.

[Name] closed her eyes. She pulled the covers to her neck and couldn't help but wonder what her conversation with Vader would be like the following day.

No sooner than she had drifted into sleep, did a howling wind blow the door to her room open. [Name] shuddered, then climbed out of bed and walked toward the door. It didn't take long for her curiosity to best her. Instead of closing it, she stepped into the corridor and tip toed down the stairs.

[Name] sat on the stairs and peered through the banister. Fire crackled in the fireplace and Vader's shadow danced on the wall. He turned and looked at her, flames flickering in the black orbs of his mask.

Who lit the fire for him? She wondered.

[Name] slipped down the rest of the stairs and walked across the room prepared to douse the flames with the growing pile of ash beneath it. He needed his rest. But instead of admonishing him, she paused.

Vader stood as still as he sat...as though he'd been chiseled out of stone.

Behind the mask, he watched...concentrated, spoke without speaking. This connection - whatever it was, was bigger than them both. His gaze worked its way over her form. She was young. About the age he was when he turned to the dark side. The gown she chose to sleep in - he chose for her to sleep in, was thin enough for him to see what was beneath. Her freshly washed hair flowed to her shoulders a like a waterfall over a ledge.

They were silent as she took a step forward and lunged forth into his arms, her legs coiling around his waist, her arms tight around his shoulders.

What am I doing? [Name] panted...

She couldn't breathe. Something had stolen her breath away. But she held tight, not even loosening her grip when she felt his arms fold around her.

Her neatly coiffed hair was now wild, mussed all over her head and covering her eyes as her face sunk into the depths of his collar. What was happening to them?

The only time Vader held anyone this close, was when they were taking a dying breath. Perhaps her outcome would be the same. Maybe not. He felt the need in her hold, the passion. He sensed her confusion...there they were, he a Sith, and she a...

Vader pushed her back against the side of the fireplace. For ten long years he felt as though he spoke, communicated, and interacted with the universe and all the people he met from behind a locked door. But with [Name] he felt as though she alone had made an effort to unlock it and walk inside.

He felt alive.

More man than droid. Less droid and more like a man... Like Anakin Skywalker and less like Darth Vader - killing machine.

Electrical impulses sent messages to the nerves in his brain that allowed him to feel his mechanical hands roving over the small mounds beneath her gown. He heard her inhale...then sigh. He looked at her face, her closed eyes, then leaned against her.

What was he doing?

He let her go and she slid to the floor on top of a fur rug. Embers flickered and sparked out of the fireplace, the flecks glowing about her.

She curled her legs, knees pressed against her chest.

"You were unwise to return," Vader said.

"I came back because you asked. I did it for Naboo."

"This...changes nothing," he said. What did he care about politics? Or keeping his word?

Orange colored flames danced in her eyes. She felt his presence in the force, touching her in ways only the force could. She closed her eyes and wished she wanted him to stop.

[Name] exhaled and crossed both arms over her knees. Vader was using Naboo to control her. Leaving was in fact, her only recourse.

Vader crossed the rug. The room had grown so quiet she could hear the whirring of the machinery in his knees that enabled him to walk.

Vader climbed the stairs. How long until she fully realized that he was truly a monster?

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