A Thin Line Between Love & Hate

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[Name] opened her eyes. She looked around, the night's stress washed from her eyes. She laid in bed with the covers pulled to her neck. Somehow she'd found her way up stairs. Or did he carry her there? Either way, she couldn't remember.

[Name] climbed out of bed and hurried into the adjoining shower, washed herself, then dressed. Her plan was to get someone from the staff to care for Vader's breakfast. She would resume her normal political duties and save the work Vader sought her to do for those who should be responsible for doing it.

She walked down the stairs dressed in full Naboo political regalia. Elaborate hairdo, makeup, a dark dress, covered by a robe. She would visit the palace and join the queen for formal daily briefings.

Nervous servants scuttled by, cleaning and getting the villa to his Lordship's specifications. Vader stood in the living room with imperial troops flanked at his sides. She could hear the clipped tones of his voice as he dressed them down. [Name] opened the door then hurried out. But two guards with blasters in their hand stood on the other side.

"We're not allowed to let you pass," a troop dressed in white armor informed.

[Name] opened her mouth in protest.

But instead of saying anything she turned, opened the door, then stormed back inside. She marched toward Vader, hand crumpled into a fist. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

Vader nodded at the troops, signaling them for a bit of privacy. He turned away, hands clasped behind his back as he walked across the room. [Name] followed him with her eyes.

"What is the meaning of this? Tell your guard dog to let me by," she ordered.

"My arrangement with the queen means you are in my service from hence forth."

"Surely you're mistaken. I have a permanent role as a diplomat here in Naboo. In fact, my plan is to join Queen Tarsi at the palace for daily briefings."

"Perhaps I haven't made myself cleaaaaar," he said in a menacing mechanical voice. "You no longer report to the queen, you report to me. You are my liason to Naboo. A garrison will be stationed here in this villa soon. They will update you and you are to brief me. Understood?"

"This is insane! You...you can't push the queen out of power. And you certainly can't force me to accept this! Naboo doesn't need a garrison, we're the most peaceful planet in the Republic."

Vader bristled at the word "Republic".

"Then I will leave the queen to Naboo and you will join me on the imperial starship. Permanently."

"Permanently? Doing what?" she exclaimed.

Vader was surprised by the disappointed sound of her voice. Especially considering the night before.

"You sound displeased with our the new arrangement."

"I've been groomed to serve as a politician. Someday I plan to sit on the senate."

"Not anymore," Vader said.

His hand found her chin and squeezed. But [Name] pointed her nose in the air and challenged his gaze with one of her own.

Vader remembered being young and begging Padme Amidala to be with him, to be her secret love. But now, he was mature beyond his years. His new life as Vader saw to that. He saw no need to ask. He was in control, he was most powerful now. The new Republic, the Galactic Empire did away with such formalities. There were no Jedi to tell him what he could or could not do. Whether he could or could not possess. With him, she would have a new life and no one could say or do anything about it.

"I like what I do!" she spat.

"What you do or do not like matters little to me."

"If you cared about me at all then it would. Forget anything nice I've said about you. I hate you," [Name] raged, turning toward the stairs.

Vader followed her with his eyes as he parted. How many times had he said those words as a young Jedi and meant it?

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