Emotionally Tyranny

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[Name] didn't see Vader until much later in the day when he stopped by her room to throw her Naboo Judicial Policies handbook out of the window declaring that if he saw it again, he'd replace it with a Galactic Rule book. She had been reading.

[Name] sighed. If she were up to trying to poison him again, she would. But somehow, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Perhaps he was only misunderstood. Afterall, his tyrannic actions did bring a measure of peace - but in many ways there was saddness in the harmony... fear.

Night fell. That afternoon she didn't serve him lunch. He deserved to starve for the horrible way he treated her. But she checked on him when it was time to eat dinner, certain the servants had been sent away. This was his usual Modus operandi. Send them away so he could bother her in peace.

She didn't understand why he extended his tyrannical ways to her when she'd already shown him some level of interest. It was as though he'd staken his claim, marking his territory with some kind of black flag on Naboo, this villa, and her.

[Name] walked into Vader's room and found him sitting in the round chair, watching coordinates of some kind flash across the small viewing screen.

"Why do you do it?"

He turned, but didn't acknowledge her words. She interpreted this as his way of dismissing her. Instead she walked toward the vials, gathered the air pump and syringe, then moved toward the chair.

"I have already eaten," he said.

"You're lying."

[Name] sat the pump near his chair. "You never answered my question. Why do you treat people and systems like possessions when they are already yours?"

"I learned at an early age how easy it is to lose what one has regardless of one's perceived possession of it."

"Do you mean death?"

Vader sat still, but she was certain his silence meant "yes".

"No one can prevent death," [Name] answered. "You just have to accept it."

Doesn't mean I has to like it, Vader thought. For as long as he could hold on, he would.

"You're too controlling. You have to learn to let go," [Name] said.

There was no way he was letting go of her, if that's what she meant.

"In some ways, I've already accepted your overtures," she continued. "But you make me feel like a prisoner."

That is what you are, he thought.

"You must learn to accept change."

He hated change.

"Things grow, go away, die... it's a part of life."

"It doesn't have to be," he said.

"What do you mean?"

He fell silent. "I should have killed you days ago. But you are still alive."

Her heart jumped at the thought. Kill her?

"I'm not afraid of death," [Name] answered. She slipped the vial through his suit and pierced his neck. He felt not so much as a tiny pinch.

"That is what you tell yourself, but you and I both know the truth."

The liquid pumped flavor into his senses, but he pulled the syringe from his neck and threw it to the floor. Using the force he turned the pump off without so much as a glance.

He didn't want food, he wanted her.

"Join me," he said.

[Name] stared into the black eyes of his mask.

Vader had a mother once, a wife, a child. One thing he always needed in balance of his brute strength was a woman's touch. Someone kind, someone gentle, someone to soften his heart. Someone to hold and comfort him amid all the death, conquering, battles, and fighting that wreaked havoc on his dreams. He felt merciful with this balance in his life.

Gloved hands clasped onto hers and pulled her into the chair and control center. The space was large, round and surprisingly cool.

[Name] fell onto his lap and curled her feet beneath her. He was a giant against her dimuniative form.

His eyes focused on the screen. She laid her head against his shoulder, hands clasped in her lap.

In the viewing window she saw imperial troops razing land. "What is this?" she asked.

"My Imperial troops have taken a planet in the Outer Rim. It belongs to the Empire now."

"Why are those houses on fire?"

He sat still now, not wanting to answer.

"What happened to the families that lived there?"

[Name] sat up, leaping from where she sat. But Vader grabbed her arm and held her in place.

"Things grow, go away, and die. It is a part of life," he said, forcing her to eat her words.

"Not like this-" [Name] protested. "That's not what I meant!"

"You must accept the truth. The Cheecon Fighters brought the wrath of the Empire upon their people. I am not to blame."

"Did you even try to listen to them?"

He didn't want her thinking about politics. Politics were bad. Politics destroyed him and Padme. He gave his wife choice. He wouldn't make the mistake of giving [Name] the same thing.

Vader turned the viewing window off. She took the joy out of watching the programming.

To [Name], his way of life depressed her.

"I can't accept you... not if you do these terrible things."

"Your acceptance is not required."

Vader pressed a button and the area shifted. The back to the chair fell away, and a compartment beneath his feet rose. The control panel spread apart, and the top of the hyperbaric chamber covered them.

A/N: Sorry for the late update I've been a bit busy this weekend <3

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