It Isn't So Bad After All

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Hey all! So this is my first story on wattpad. It’s written for RaeKitano's LGBT short story challenge. It’s just a one shot with hinted boy and boy romance. If you don’t like that stuff go elsewhere. Otherwise enjoy.

Ugh! Why did today have to be Valentine’s Day? Seriously I think the world could do without it. If you love someone you should cherish them all the time not just one day. That’s where my problem comes in. Every year I watch the holiday come and go, alone. While all my friends go into the ‘honeymoon phase’ and blow their money on gifts to make the day ‘perfect.’ Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends and I love that they’re happy, but my loneliness really gets to me during this time.

I’m a twenty year old guy and I’ve been single all my life. I go to college, I work and when I’m done I go back to my lonely, very tiny, apartment. I’ve been spending less and less time with friends and more on school and work. I miss them but I have to support myself since my family won’t. When I moved out I finally told them I was gay and they told me not to expect any calls or support because I was ‘no son of theirs’ as they put it. I’m lucky I’m smart enough for a scholarship or I wouldn’t even be at college.

I walked through the college halls crammed with people on their way to their next class. I’m a little shocked it’s so busy today but I guess they value their education after all. The pace is slow but nice. It gives me to relax before my psychology test next class. I smile as I remember the students’ outbursts when the professor informed us. 

“Who the heck gives a test on Valentine’s Day?” one shouted. The professor simply stared for a moment then stated, “Me.” He then proceeded to the next topic as if nothing had happened, but I think I saw the tiniest hint of a smirk on his face.

I swear he does stuff just to analyze our response but I like it. I arrive just before the professor and plop down in a wall seat while he starts passing out the tests ignoring the students grumbling quietly. Half an hour later I hand my test in and stroll out of the room. It was really easy stuff. 

I reach into my pocket to check my phone and come up empty handed. I growl in frustration, “Great.” I walk briskly to the lost and found trying not to panic, or look like an idiot. I was hoping someone had turned it in when I slammed into a warm body.

“Whoa. Steady there. You ok?”I looked up and saw gorgeousness. ‘Wow.’ “It’s you! I’ve been looking for you!”

I’m confused, “What?”

He smiled sheepishly, “I guess I should explain.”

“That would be nice.” He chuckles.

“I’m in your math class. I see you all the time and I’ve been meaning to talk to you, but you always leave so quickly, but you left your phone today, so I’ve been looking for you…” he rambled nervously, blushing.

‘He’s so adorable!!! I want to keep him!’ I flash him a bright smile, “Thank you! I would have been in trouble if I lost it.” His blush deepens a bit. ‘So cute!!’ “So, what’s your name?”

“Oh didn’t I say? Oh, well I’m Matt.”


“I know,” he mumbles barely audible. “Wouldyouliketogooutwithme?”


The blush returns, “Uh, I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me, you know for lunch, just as friends. It’s ok if you don’t want to, I’d completely understand. I mean, we just met five minutes ago and I don’t want to be a stalker or anything but I want to get to know you and…”

I put my hand over his mouth and giggle, “I would love to go out with you. You’re down right adorable.” I winked.

His face lit up like Christmas. “That’s great! I know this awesome Chinese place just off campus. You’d love it there!”

“Alright. Lead the way!” He took my hand and we bounded off. Who knew I’d actually get a gift today? The start of a great friendship and more. I guess Valentine’s Day isn’t so bad after all.

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